I’m confused — really, really confused — guns and cigarettes


    Richmond’s Channel 6 tonight carried a story about cigarette sales in Virginia.  It seems that we sell cigarettes at a much lower price than they sell for in the NE.  As a result, there’s a lot of traffic in cigarettes:  People buy them in VA by the case and haul them to NY, NJ, etc., and sell them for a nice profit.

    According to the Ch. 6 report, investigators have traced some of the profit on these cigarette sales to “terrorist organizations.”

    Seems that the VA State Crime Commission has jumped on this threat to the Republic and is now proposing that anyone selling cigs in VA must have a license, thereby subjecting them to the same controls as liquor sales.



    I may be mistaken but, as I recall, a few years ago firearms sold in VA were found to have been used in a large percentage of crimes in the NE.  In fact, it turned out that a small number of VA gunshops were the source of almost all these firearms.  When this fact became known, the VA General Assembly decided that a person could purchase only one handgun a month in VA.  This limitation caused a considerable drop in the percentage of VA-sourced firearms that were used in crimes in the NE.  Of course, last year the GA repealed the one-a-month law.

    Let’s see:

    — The Second Amendment does not protect cigarettes — right?

    — Cigarettes don’t kill people, terrorists who sell cigarettes kill people.

    — Gun sales in VA do not support terrorists.

    I’m still confused.


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