Home Virginia Politics Video: Mark Obenshain Claims Up is Actually Down, Hot is Cold, Black...

Video: Mark Obenshain Claims Up is Actually Down, Hot is Cold, Black is White…


The following is the weekly Virginia Republican Address, this week delivered by our old extremist friend, Sen. Mark “Criminalize Miscarriages” Obenshain. According to Obenshain, who has basically spent his entire career trying to send Virginia reeling backwards decades, if not centuries, it’s actually Republicans who are focused “on kitchen table issues like education.” In addition, according to the Orwellian Obenshain, it’s actually Virginia Republicans who are “hard at work on issues that matter to Virginians” and with a “forward-looking agenda” (e.g., like letting 4 year olds, stalkers & sexual batterers have guns!).

Meanwhile, in Obenshain’s up-is-down, hot-is-col, black-is-white world, it’s the Democrats who are “focused on a backward-looking, divisive, politically-driven agenda with one goal, getting the hard-left, liberal interest groups fired up for November.” Oh, and those sneaky, wily Democrats are also hell-bent on expanding the evilevilevil “Obamacare.” Can’t have people getting good, affordable health care, while getting Virginia taxpayers’ own money back and boosting our economy – god no!

In sum, Obenshain has always been a nutty, right-wing extremist, and he continues to be a nutty, right-wing extremist. Remember, this is the same guy who wanted to criminalize women’s miscarriages, so it’s not a big surprise or anything. Still, the fact that Virginia Republicans are happy to put him out there as the face of their party really says all you need to know – and nothing good – about that party…


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