Home Virginia Politics Virginia News Headlines: Thursday Morning

Virginia News Headlines: Thursday Morning


Here are a few national and Virginia news headlines, political and otherwise, for Thursday, February 26. Also check out Jon Stewart brilliantly skewering Faux “News” and dissecting the right-wing modus operandus (hint: lots of lies, deflection, projection, anger, insanity, etc.).

*Waiting for the punch (“Speaker John Boehner is leading from behind.” What else is new?)

*Obama vows ‘aggressive’ defense on immigration (G’Obama!)

*On immigration policy, the GOP is out of touch with the rest of America

*Breaking stalemate, Senate votes 98-2 to debate ‘clean’ DHS bill

*Another Fabrication: O’Reilly Never Witnessed The Murder Of Nuns In El Salvador (“O’Reilly’s Claim To Have Seen Nuns ‘Shot In The Back Of The Head’ Contradicted By His Own Timeline”)

*Jeb braces for CPAC (The fact that “JEB” is even going to this extremist freak show, let alone that he’s taking questions from far-right-wing shock radio host Sean Hannity, says it all about “JEB”)

*Trump says he is serious about 2016 bid, is hiring staff and delaying TV gig (Oh please! Sarah Palin too, the “clown van” is big enough! LOL)

*Budget pact leaves McAuliffe with sunny outlook (“Despite the bad weather, Gov. Terry McAuliffe had a sunny forecast for the progress of his administration and state lawmakers on a budget agreement and spending priorities for the coming year.”)

*Richmond leashes watchdog (“It looks like the State Corporation Commission is going to have some free time on its hands over the next five years, now that Gov. Terry McAuliffe and state lawmakers have effectively cut the consumer watchdog from holding Virginia’s biggest power company accountable.” Except at the SCC is a pussy cat of a “watchdog” anyway.)

*Tim Kaine the latest Hill Democrat to announce plans to skip Netanyahu’s speech

*McAuliffe tries and fails to protect bill that would hide data on Va. executions (Glad that he failed on this one.)

*Va. ruling could mean big refunds for businesses – and lower tax revenue

*Va. lawmakers try to negotiate ethics reform, college sex assault bills (The good news is that adjournment is near! LOL)

*Sen. Jeff McWaters won’t seek re-election (Unfortunately, the guy favored to succeed him may be even worse – a right wingnut AND a raging Islamophobe to boot. Ugh.)

*Rigell adviser seeks Virginia House seat (“Jason Miyares is seeking election to the 82nd District House seat now held by Republican Bill DeSteph, who is running for a state senate seat. DeSteph is seeking to replace Sen. Jeff McWaters, who announced this week he will not seek a second term in the 8th Senate District.”)

*House, Senate churn through bills, negotiations

*Casey: Of phony and incomplete Thomas Jefferson quotes

*Our view: McAuliffe could show Obama how to deal (Included in the news clips simply as an example of how NOT to write an editorial. WTF?)

*Virginia General Assembly appoints 3 new Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court judges (A legislator was telling me yesterday that they don’t even really know who they’re voting for much of the time on judges. Great, huh?)

*Herndon delegate announces retirement amid tough reelection bid

*Snow brings Richmond-area school closings (“The four major Richmond-area school systems canceled classes Thursday as snow fell heavily across the region, covering roads.”)

*Legislators reach compromise on bake sales bill (“They may not have reached agreement yet on ethics, but lawmakers in the state Senate and House of Delegates found compromise Wednesday on a bill to regulate school bake sales.” Tackling the REALLY important stuff, I see! /snark)

*Blanket of snow covers Hampton Roads overnight

*Falling snow once again making for slow and messy morning commute


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