“No Pain, No Gain” Campaign


    On March 9, 2015 I made the following comment regarding the governor and the proposed pipelines that Dominion wants to build across the state:

    McAuliffe Screwed The Environmental Community

    after they backed him with tons o’ money in 2013.  But until the environmental community takes on McAuliffe by running ads statewide and applying heat to the governor, these pipeline are going to sail through and become a reality.  McAuliffe needs to feel some heat from voters in the urban crescent – and the ads woul help apply that heat.

    Some criticized me stating that there wasn’t money to run statewide ads against the pipeline, but it turns out there is money to to run an ad.

    Lowell posted an article this morning from roanoke.com  that states that opponents of the pipeline have  started running ads in western and central Virginia to garner support against the pipeline.  The ad campaign is titles the “All Pain, No Gain Campaign.”

    Here is a link to the groups website.  They have great resources on their site – sign up and throw them some $$$ if you want the ads to keep running – see below:


    Here are some links to Facebook for groups who are working against the pipeline if you would like to Like them:




    Help spread the word!



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