Home Virginia Politics RPV Chair John Whitbeck: Virginia Has/Has Not Changed…or Something

RPV Chair John Whitbeck: Virginia Has/Has Not Changed…or Something


Some Tuewsday afternoon gibberish and idiocy from an interview in the Washington Post with new RPV Chair, anti-Semitic “joke” dude John Whitbeck. Note that in the first quote, Whitbeck first says that Virginia’s “changed a lot” demographically, then a breath later says “although things haven’t changed much.” Translation?  Then, in the second quote, he basically says the Republican Party of Virginia is NOT going to change from the disastrous convention nominating process which in 2013 brought us the “Extreme Team” (Ken Kookinelli, EW Jackson, Mark “Criminalize Miscarriages” Obenshain). Hey, as a Democrat, that works great for me — keep nominating unlectable extremists, and keep losing more statewide elections in Virginia. In other words, to put it a way John Whitbeck might (or might not) understand: Virginia Republicans, please don’t ever CHANGE! Hahaha.


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