Home Virginia Politics Virginia News Headlines: Friday Morning

Virginia News Headlines: Friday Morning


Here are a few national and Virginia news headlines, political and otherwise, for Friday, March 27. Also, check out comedian Aasif Mandvi at the 2015 RTCA Dinner ripping the corporate media’s incompetence and idiocy.

*Plane crash called deliberate act (“French prosecutor blames co-pilot in chilling scenario”)

*How can airlines prevent crashes like this in future?

*Egypt warships steam toward Yemen coast (“Saudi Arabia continued its bombardment as Egypt prepared to join the Arab-led offensive against Shiite rebels in Yemen.”)

*Pat Robertson: ‘Was the co-pilot a Muslim? Why did he want to kill all those people?’ (More right-wing bigotry and lunacy.)

*GOP’s “religious freedom” riot: How a bigoted Indiana law could roil GOP primary (Did I just say “more right-wing bigotry and lunacy?” Yes, yes I did!)

*Senate Approves Budget of G.O.P. Wishes in All-Night Session (This budget would be ruinous for America.)

*Scott Walker Adjusts Stance on Immigration at Private Dinner

*Krugman: Mornings in Blue America (“So, as I said at the beginning, the fact that we’re now seeing mornings in blue America – solid job growth both at the national level and in states that have defied the right’s tax-cutting, deregulatory orthodoxy – is a big problem for conservatives. Although they would never admit it, events have proved their most cherished beliefs wrong.”)

*Derik Jones enters Senate race for Dance’s seat

*McAuliffe says he will amend ethics bill before signing (“The bill would cap gifts from lobbyists to lawmakers at $100. But it has come under fire for a variety of perceived loopholes, including elimination of an aggregate cap on gifts.” This thing needs a TON of help!)

*McAuliffe vetoes redistricting bills, defends Atlantic Coast Pipeline project (The Atlantic Coast Pipeline is not particularly defensible, and it certainly shouldn’t be defended by a Democratic governor.)

*Press Pass: McAuliffe stands by Atlantic Coast Pipeline (Utter bull****.)

*Va. Attorney General Herring to focus on predatory lending (We badly need alternatives to these predators.)

*McAuliffe signs clean budget, bill vetoes coming

*U-Va. student involved in violent arrest makes brief court appearance

*Virginia lawmakers break from party on budget

*Prosecutors urge appeals court to uphold McDonnell conviction

*Fairfax County supervisor race heats up over ‘troll’ remark on Twitter

*Big Problems for Republicans in Fairfax County

*Firehouse primary will now include all Prince William GOP candidates (And big problems for Republicans in Prince William County too!)

*How U-Va. engineered a tuition cut for some with a price hike for others

*At U-Va., a price hike for some will fund a price cut for others (As always, David Ramadan is wrong.)

*Local lawmakers concerned with federal spending plans

*Ideas for boosting affordable housing in Arlington to be aired on Saturday

*Arlington, Alexandria Democrats line up for local, state races this spring

*A damp Friday as winter returns (“It’s almost April, but we’re still talking about wind chills and snow flakes.” Blech.)


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