Home Virginia Politics Virginia News Headlines: Monday Morning

Virginia News Headlines: Monday Morning


Here are a few national and Virginia news headlines, political and otherwise, for Monday, April 20.

*“He’s filling the government with Muslims”: Inside New Hampshire’s wacky GOP 2016 cattle call (These John Bircher Society types are disturbing, probably disturbed as well.)

*Karl Rove Misrepresents Abortion Language In Human Trafficking Legislation To Blame Democrats For Lynch’s Stalled Confirmation (“Karl Rove misrepresents” is pretty much the story of his entire career.)

*Can the GOP learn from California? (Doesn’t look like it.)

*Republicans look to lift spending caps (“Republicans are already talking about another big spending deal to ease sequestration and budget caps.” Watch the Teahadists go ape!)

*ISIS Video Appears to Show Executions of Ethiopian Christians in Libya (Utterly evil.)

*Dr. Oz to use show to attack critics who want him booted from faculty position for ‘quack medicine’ (This guy is the worst.)

*Potential 2016 Dem candidate O’Malley: GOP’s prescription for what ails the US economy is ‘bullsh*t’

*Marco Rubio’s latest global warming denial: ‘There has never been a moment climate is not changing’ (And there has never been a moment where Marco Rubio isn’t a knee-jerk, doctrinaire, right-wingnut Teapublican. He also lives in the 1950s or something, the guy’s definitely not mentally living in 2015.)

*McAuliffe says Hillary Clinton’s message will play in Virginia

*Half-measures on ethics in Virginia (I wish they were “half-measures.” As it is, they’re not even 0.0001% measures!)

*GOP ahead in cash race for Va. campaign season (“The combined committees of Senate Majority Leader Thomas K. Norment, Senate Republican Caucus Chairman Sen. Ryan McDougle and the Senate Republican Caucus have nearly $2 million on hand. By contrast, the committees of Senate Minority Leader Richard L. Saslaw, Senate Democratic Caucus Chairman Sen. A. Donald McEachin and the Senate Democratic Caucus have about more than $700,000 combined. “)

*Roper: Is Marcellus play too near its peak to justify three huge new pipelines?

*McAuliffe finds himself back in campaign mode for Hillary Clinton (“But this time Virginia’s governor is taking a lower-profile approach than he did for Clinton in previous races.”)

*The D.C. boom is slowing – and people are moving on (Strange article, conflicts with every population projection I’ve seen.)

*Response to Brian’s Schoeneman Hit Piece, by Sully Candidate John Guevara (For anyone who says Democratic primaries are nasty, check this one out by our friendly Republicans!)

*Former Gloucester supervisor Teresa Altemus challenges incumbent Chris Hutson for GOP nomination

*Loudoun sheriff’s race gets ugly (“The apparent embezzlement of seized drug money by a deputy has become an campaign issue.”)

*Late day storms likely in region following a pleasant middle of the day


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