Home Virginia Politics National and Virginia News Headlines: Friday Morning

National and Virginia News Headlines: Friday Morning


Here are a few national and Virginia news headlines, political and otherwise, for Friday, June 26.

*Krugman: Hooray for Obamacare (” The Affordable Care Act is now in its second year of full operation; how’s it doing? The answer is, better than even many supporters realize.”)

*Obamacare’s win is even more decisive than you think

*The Obamacare ruling disappoints the conspiracy theorists (“An unambiguously good decision by the Supreme Court.”)

*Legacies of Obama presidency and Roberts court are forever intertwined

*Scalia, Thomas & Alito have totally lost it: The complete and utter incoherence of the conservative Supreme Court justices (Three incompetent far-right-wing ideologues.)

*Read the 7 Most Ridiculous Lines from Justice Antonin Scalia’s Obamacare Dissent (As I was saying…)

*The Court Keeps the Fair Housing Law Effective (Another case in which Scalia/Thomas/Alito voted the wrong way.)

*These clowns will never give it up: Post-SCOTUS, GOP vows to get super serious about repealing Obamacare (“With no idea what else to do, Republicans and conservatives get ready to fight each other on Obamacare repeal.” Duhhhh….drool.)

*The Republican war on vegetables: How new dietary guidelines brought out the GOP’s inner petulant child (Speaking of duhhhh…drool!)

*It’s time for conservatives to end the denial on climate change (By conservative op-ed writer and former Bush administration official Michael Gerson)

*What’s Changing At Change.org (Excellent investigative reporting by Josh Israel of ThinkProgress!)

*Trump bump terrifies GOP (Go Trump! LOL)

*150 years later, America is still battling the Confederate mentality (“Black voters showed in 2012 that they can overcome restrictive new voting laws. They can do it again, including in state and local elections, where power over voting rights resides.”)

*Supreme Court ruling on health law prompts new McAuliffe Medicaid push (Great, although good luck convincing Republicans, who are terrified of their far right wing above all…)

*Virginia lawmakers react to rulling (Predictably hysterical responses from the right wingnuts…)

*Health care ruling doesn’t move political battle lines in Virginia

*Civil rights leaders demand Goodlatte move on Voting Rights Act reform

*Frank Wagner calls Democratic flag attack “cheap shot” (“The state senator says a news release saying he’s staying quiet about Confederate flags is a ‘cheap shot.'”)

*Pipeline partner says natural gas could be exported (“An owner of the proposed pipeline has a deal to export natural gas, contrary to a federal official’s promise.” Yep, liars.)

*Loudoun Has Seen Confederate Flag Controversy Before

*Williams: It’s time for Confederate monuments to come down

*Jefferson Davis statue on Monument Avenue vandalized

*Virginia OKs coal ash spill settlement

*GOP Del. Robert Bell opposes restoring felons’ rights before they pay restitution (Huh? If they’ve served their time, they’ve paid their debt to society. End of story.)

*Doug Fister zeroes in as the Nationals win their sixth straight game

*D.C. area forecast: Rain risk up late today, peaks Saturday when severe weather and flooding may visit


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