Home Virginia Politics National and Virginia News Headlines: Monday Morning

National and Virginia News Headlines: Monday Morning


Here are a few national and Virginia news headlines, political and otherwise, for Monday, June 29. Also check out the classic, spot-on quote from Stephen Colbert: “History moves fast; it’s hard to believe that gay Americans achieved full, Constitutional personhood just five years after corporations did.” LOL, exactly!

*Krugman: Greece Over the Brink (“Greece should vote ‘no,’ and the Greek government should be ready, if necessary, to leave the euro.”)

*Greece will close banks for 6 days, impose limits on withdrawals

*Jeb Bush dogged by questions on business deals

*Why Does Jeb Bush Have a Mysterious Shell Company? (“An entity called BHAG is trying to trademark the candidate’s logo for use on ‘key chains of precious metal’ and other campaign merchandise.”)

*Man On His Third Wife Has No Good Defense For His Support Of ‘Traditional’ Marriage

*After Charleston, Black Churches Targeted By Arsonists Across The South (Nope, no racism there…uh huh.)

*After gay marriage ruling, state law requires update

*House of Delegates members paying while climbing the legislative ladder? (“As members of the House of Delegates climb the ladder of power, they often pause to send a few thousand dollars to Speaker Bill Howell’s political action committee shortly before ascending to the next rung.”)

*Jim Webb emerges as conservative summit’s favorite Democratic candidate (Wonnnnnderful.)

*Murder, custody and justice: The making of a political candidate (“How the murder of Mark Levine’s sister shaped him and how it might affect his performance as a delegate.”)

*With McAuliffe in office, old friends find new opportunities (To the victor goes the spoils…)

*Our view: Herring, reconsidered (“So while Sweet Briar supporters may wish Herring had been there with them on Day One, he was there on the last day when it really mattered. So they should still saddle up a white horse and shower him with roses. Or, better yet, invite him to speak on campus this fall.”)

*Waiting for the sheriff to act (“It’s been nearly five months since the death of Natasha McKenna, the mentally ill woman who was shot four times with a Taser by a guard at the Fairfax County jail; she was removed from life support several days later. Incredibly, the investigation into her death drags on, ostensibly while the police await data to be extracted from the Taser, a process that would seem more likely to take minutes than months.”)

*Nats split doubleheader in Philadelphia

*D.C. area forecast: A beautiful Monday, then a slightly sticky and stormy pattern


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