From the DPVA:

Virginia is inside of 100 days until voters head to the polls for all 140 seats in the General Assembly. To mark the occasion, Virginia Democrats participated in a Weekend of Action, canvassing thousands of doors across the Commonwealth. This enthusiasm is one of the many assets Democrats have moving into the fall. Here's the lay of the land for the next 100 days:
- Democrats have a significant fundraising advantage, with Common Good VA and the DPVA outraising Republicans by a factor of 15:1. This has allowed for the strategic investment of resources early on.
- Over the next 100 days, we will continue to outpace them.
- Democrats have built the biggest field program ever seen in a non-statewide election year. Volunteers have contacted a large percentage of the electorate through tens of thousands of door-knocks and phone calls.
- Over the next 100 days, we will continue to implement the most targeted, aggressive voter contact program in a state legislative cycle.
- Republican candidates are weak with extremist baggage. Democrats want to build on the progress made by Governor Terry McAullife in growing jobs and building a new Virginia economy. The Republican agenda is to stand in the way of progress, prevent 400,000 Virginians from receiving health care we've already paid for, and enact extreme attacks on women's health care.
- Over the next 100 days, Democrats will ensure voters understand the choices they face.
“In just 100 days, voters across Virginia will face a choice. Elect Democrats who will partner with our Governor to create jobs and build a new Virginia economy — or elect extremist Republicans who are distracted by divisive partisan battles or in the pockets of special interests,” said Democratic Party of Virginia Chairwoman Susan Swecker. “A Democratic State Senate will work to create jobs, expand health care for all, take commonsense steps to make communities safer, and ensure every Virginia woman receives equal pay for equal work.”
Photos from the Weekend of Action HERE, photo credit Democratic Party of Virginia.