Home Virginia Politics Friday News: US Marks 14th Anniversary of 9/11 Attacks; Andy Parker Speaks...

Friday News: US Marks 14th Anniversary of 9/11 Attacks; Andy Parker Speaks Out Against Gun Violence


Here are a few national and Virginia news headlines, political and otherwise, for Friday, September 11…fourteen years after the day none of us who lived through it will ever forget. Also, check out the video of Andy Parker speaking yesterday at a rally with Gov. McAuliffe, Senators Kaine and Warner on stemming the tide of gun violence in this country.

*US Marks 14th Anniversary of September 11 Attacks

*The GOP has devolved into a political fight club (“The latest GOP fight is over how to express meaningless, ineffectual rejection of the president’s nuclear deal with Iran.”)

*Trump goes after Carson, defends his Fiorina slam

*Senate Democrats block GOP effort to scuttle Iran deal

*Hillary Clinton’s track record eludes many voters

*Republicans’ fringe tone on Islam shows a sharp turn since 9/11

*Jeb Bush’s tax plan is great for Jeb Bush (“The candidate would make out like a bandit.”)

*Hillary Clinton’s Support Erodes in National Poll

*Huckabee: Dred Scott Decision “Remains To This Day The Law Of The Land” (WTF?!?!?!?)

*Rainbow Appears Over World Trade Center on Eve of 9/11

*Virginia lawmakers call for release of Martese Johnson arrest report

*Father Of Murdered TV Reporter Slams Congressman Goodlatte For Inaction On Gun Violence (Goodlatte is horrible on pretty much every issue, from immigration to women’s reproductive health/freedom to gun violence to…again, you name it. That’s why I call him BADlatte.)

*Sen. Warner: U.S. needs to step up background checks for gun buyers (Coming from someone with an “A” rating from the NRA.)

*WDBJ shooting victim’s father: Congress should take on gun lobby

*Making political districts constitutional (“Lawmakers’ failure to draw fair districts, and the court’s subsequent role in prescribing a constitutional remedy, stands as compelling evidence of the need for the General Assembly and voters to delegate the task of crafting compact, contiguous and competitive districts to an independent, bipartisan commission.”)

*Jeff McWaters considers political future after Virginia Senate

*Gary McCollum uses Virginia Beach forum to attack Frank Wagner in key Senate race (Wagner is an exemplar of so much that is wrong with our General Assembly…)

*Video of Fairfax jail encounter that preceded inmate’s death is released (This whole thing is appalling and disturbing.)

*Why Democrats will not particpate in Prince William Committee of 100 candidate forums (Explained very well by PW County Dems Chair Harry Wiggins)

*Democrats Rip Loudoun Supervisors Over Road, Transit Mailer

*Richmond, Henrico aim to curb violence

*Governor McAuliffe Dedicates New Washington Boulevard Bridge Over Columbia Pike in Arlington

*Formerly jailed Va. lawmaker drops out of state Senate race

*The chilling video of Natasha McKenna’s encounter with Fairfax County officers (“The real problem is that it was the wrong approach to take with a woman, diagnosed since childhood with schizophrenia, who was mentally ill. Ms. McKenna is approached and treated as if she were a creature from an alien galaxy, not a human being.”)

*D.C. area forecast: Today is the warmest of the next bunch as Saturday storminess helps usher in a taste of fall


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