Home Virginia Politics Wednesday News: “Fact-Free” Trump Coming to VA Beach; GOP Wages War...

Wednesday News: “Fact-Free” Trump Coming to VA Beach; GOP Wages War Against Women’s Health


Here are a few national and Virginia news headlines, political and otherwise, for Wednesday, September 30. Also, check out Al Gore talking about how the United States has the dubious distinction of being the only nation with a major political party that actually DENIES climate science! Just think about that one, and ask yourself how anyone could possibly vote for such a party.

*Bill Clinton: Donald Trump is ‘fact-free’ (Same with Fiorina, Carson, Cruz, Bush, etc.)

*Jeb Bush’s Energy Plan Doesn’t Even Mention Renewables (Remember, this is supposed to be the relatively “moderate,” “sane” Republican candidate in the field. Uh…no.)

*Whatever you think of Planned Parenthood, this is a terrible and dishonest chart (Republicans blatantly lying? Who woulda thunk it? LOL)

*GOP Chair Repeatedly Interrupts Planned Parenthood Head At Hearing (It’s called “Republican mansplaining to women,” and it’s digusting.)

*GOP field: Tax cuts for all, don’t worry about consequences (So much for any pretense of Republicans caring about the deficit, debt, or fiscal discipline in general. Their tax plans would explode the deficit through the roof in order to give huge tax breaks to the wealthiest Americans. Insane.)

*The GOP still has nothing to show for its anti-Planned Parenthood campaign

*Editorial: Obenshain pulls a Herring (“If it is wise, the Virginia GOP will do everything it can to avoid a repeat of the 2013 debacle. But that is a very big if.”)

*Schapiro: Young Gun Cantor’s new role: wise man (You know things are bad when freakin’ Eric Can’tor is the Republicans’ “wise man!” LOL)

*Absentee voting starting (“It’s time! If you need to vote by absentee ballot in the Nov. 3 election, you can do so now.”)

*More Virginia pols line up behind Jeb Bush after Walker’s exit (“Supporters commit to Bush as Trump plans Friday evening campaign rally in Virginia Beach.”)

*In Virginia’s sham democracy, voters are robbed at the ballot box (“In fact, the essence of politics in a democracy is, or should be, genuine competition. By casting aside that fundamental truth, Virginia’s legislature has come to resemble a Politburo.”)

*Trump rally set for Va. Beach; Kasich coming to Richmond

*Virginia official launches impartial-policing initiative (“Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring on Tuesday launched a statewide training initiative to assist police in appropriately using force, de-escalating dangerous situations and recognizing potential biases they may bring to the job.”)

*Ed Gillespie to the rescue for Virginia GOP? (The ONLY reason I’m linking to the deplorable Jennifer Rubin is because of this interesting tidbit: “Obenshain was not pressured to sit out the race, nor did Gillespie attempt to push him out. By all accounts from those close to both men, Obenshain made the call after much soul-searching, and indeed Gillespie was ready to support him if Obenshain had decided to run.”)

*Democrats file complaint over lack of detail in Frank Wagner finance report (Wagner is a corrupt slimeball.)

*Va. Black Caucus calls Frank Wagner comments divisive (Wagner really needs to go.)

*The future of defense spending, and what it means for Hampton Roads

*Serial killer Alfredo Prieto scheduled for execution in Virginia

*Postpone Prieto’s execution (“THE U.S. SUPREME Court is the last chance for a man with diminished mental capacity who is scheduled to die Thursday. Alfredo Prieto, 49, is not a sympathetic figure. He killed a Virginia college student and her boyfriend in 1988, then raped and killed a 15-year-old in California two years later. He should never, ever be released from prison.”)

*Man accused of stealing $5 in snacks died in jail as he waited for space at mental hospital (“Jamycheal Mitchell was among many inmates who wait weeks or months for treatment in psychiatric hospitals.”)

*Virginia Beach calls for hiring freeze as $33 million shortfall looms

*Loudoun’s Scott York cleared in campaign finance complaint (“Arlington County Commonwealth’s Attorney Theo Stamos (D) has closed her investigation into Loudoun Chairman Scott York’s (R) campaign finance reports”)

*Rescues, but no injuries as rain brings floods to Roanoke region

*D.C. area forecast: Decent Wednesday, serious late week rain threat due to Joaquin


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