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Audio: You Can’t Get More Extreme Than This; Sen. Dick Black Speaks at Kickoff for Del. “Sideshow Bob” Marshall!


by Lowell

As I said, you can’t get any more extreme than these two guys. For more on “Sideshow Bob” Marshall’s insanity, bigotry and extremism, click here. For more on Dick Black’s…yep, insanity, bigotry and extremism (sensing a pattern yet?), click here. Anyway, at Bob Marshall’s campaign kickoff recently — and yes, for some bizarre reason Marshall JUST held his campaign kickoff, three weeks before the election – Dick Black spoke and said…well, yeah, crazy stuff.

For starters, Black brags about all the ways in which he and Bob Marshall have worked to have the government tell women what they can and cannot do with their own bodies (e.g., “parental consent for abortion,” the anti-LGBT “marriage amendment”). According to Black, all of these things should be “left up to the states,” and the “Supreme Court should have no voice” in any of it. In fact, according to Black, there should be a constitutional convention at which an amendment is passed to force the nine Supreme Court Justices to stand for election every two years. And, as Black puts it, “let them face you and let them explain to you why they cannot tell the difference between man and woman.”

And yes, the (far-right-wing) crowd at the kickoff actually cheered this lunacy. Yeah, I know…shudddder. Anyway, all the more reason for Democrats to get out and vote on November 3 — for Democrat Don Shaw over  crazy “Sideshow Bob” and for Democrat Jill McCabe over right-wing extremist Dick Black.


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