by Lowell
I’m strongly with CCAN on this and urge everyone to sign the petition telling Governor Terry McAuliffe “to do the right thing—for Virginia and for our climate—and ensure real pollution cuts under the Clean Power Plan.” As the people in this video – from all over Virginia – point out, “incredibly, Dominion Power wants to INCREASE global warming emissions in our state.” And usually, as they point out, “when you find yourself in a hole, you stop digging — but not Dominion.”
As for fossil fuels, instead of phasing them out FAST, “now Dominion is rushing to construct huge gas-fired power plants using pipelines full of fracked gas,” which scientists say is “nearly as bad as coal thanks to leaking, heat-trapping methane.” Obviously, this should not be acceptable, but sadly it IS to Dominion “Global Warming Starts Here” Power and its bought-and-paid for political allies in Virginia. They must be stopped, for all our sakes, and it really comes down to Gov. McAuliffe. Will he do the right thing, or will he do Dominion’s bidding? We’ll find out soon enough.
P.S. Fortunately for Virginians and for the environment, Dominion Power’s entire business model is inevitably going to collapse (the only question is when, exactly), as David Roberts yet again demonstrates over at Vox. Good riddance Dominion, hello super-cheap solar + storage!