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Audio: Potomac Riverkeepers Rip Cozy Relationship Between Dirty Dominion, VA Dept. of Environmental Quality


I couldn’t agree more with Dean Naujoks of Potomac Riverkeeper, speaking here on yesterday’s Kojo Nnamdi Show.

The Department of Environmental Quality [DEQ], if you look at what happened with the oil spill that we had in the Potomac River, they investigated, they found no oil. Eventually, the Coast Guard got involved. In the end, DEQ found no oil or connection to Dominion…the Coast Guard proved that it was, in fact, Dominion’s oil that left an 8-mile-long plume and contaminated a waterfowl refuge.

The same thing is going on here [with coal ash]. The head of DEQ, who was sent on a lavish golf trip by Dominion, paid for by Dominion, basically told the public that no water was dumped from its coal ash ponds. And we found out that 27.5 million gallons of contaminated, untreated water from its coal ash pond was dumped into the Potomac River. And that should never happen. We just feel that was illegal what happened. And we want an investigation into this very issue. Why was more contaminated water from this coal ash pond dumped into the Potomac River than the disastrous Dan River spill that occurred just about a year and a half ago?

Also check out reporter Patrick Madden talking about Dominion paying for the head of Virginia’s Department of Environmental Quality to attend the Master’s gold tournament. I mean, if this isn’t the definition of “legalized corruption” and a “captured regulatory agency,” I have no idea what is. So when does the investigation into this start, Gov. McAuliffe???


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