I normally try not to link to “Morning Joe,” but this morning’s segments with Khizr and Ghazala Khan is a must-watch. In short, the Khans represent everything Donald Trump is not: compassionate, intelligent, patriotic, courageous Americans with enormous integrity and dignity. I’m glad to hear that the Khans have overwhelmingly received love and support, other than from the sociopathic, deranged Republican 2016 presidential nominee. Khizr Khan makes a great point: “good Republicans” can’t stay silent anymore and must directly rebuke Trump. Khizr Khan adds that the “world watches the United States,” and that “it is our moral duty [to speak out publicly about]…the burden of voting for a divider, voting for an excluder, will put such a burden on our souls for the remainder of our lives, that we will not be able to bear it.”
Video: I’m Not a “Morning Joe” Fan, But Everyone Needs to Watch The Patriotic, Courageous Khans