Dave Brat has YET AGAIN turned down an invitation to debate Eileen Bedell. This one was extended by the University of Richmond; three dates were offered, but Brat said he had other plans for all three.
REALLY DAVE? You have something better to do than participate in the democratic process? The exchange of ideas? You don’t want voters to see how well you hold up in a vigorous give and take?
HEY – isn’t that what you criticized Eric Cantor for what was it – just two years ago? My how Washington has changed you!
Or perhaps you don’t want to have to be in a public forum where you’ll be questioned about your loyalty to Trump and the disaster that he’s wrought for your party and for the American people. But then again, perhaps you aren’t really for the American people, but just for certain Americans? In 2014, you were endorsed by, and have since received thousands of dollars from, US Immigration Reform PAC (USIRPAC). This extremist anti-immigration group is headed by Mary Lou Tanton, wife of John Tanton, former USIRPAC board member and founder of the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), deemed a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. I detail other of your ties to white nationalist groups here.
So yes, Dave, you’re busy – but busy doing what? Are you a servant of the people of the 7th Congressional District? All of us? Or are you serving the interests of divisive and extremist groups and are afraid to face an opponent who will call you out on it?
Fortunately, voters in VA-7 have a wonderful and SANE alternative in Democrat Eileen Bedell. To learn more about Eileen and to help her rid Congress of Dave Brat, click: