Home 2019 Elections Former Washington Redskin Brig Owens Responds to False NRCC Attack Ad

Former Washington Redskin Brig Owens Responds to False NRCC Attack Ad


Shocked! Shocked! that Barbara Comstock and her national Republicans pals would put out false information. I mean, who would ever have thought that the Party of Donald Trump would do such a thing! (snark) Anyway, check out the video responding to the lies, and also the press release below. And if you live in the 10th CD, make sure you vote for LuAnn Bennett on November 8th!


LuAnn Bennett’s Long-Time Friend And Business Partner Calls Out The NRCC’s False Ad

McLean – Today, LuAnn Bennett’s campaign release a new digital ad in which Bennett’s long-time friend, business partner, and former Washington Redskin football player Brig Owens calls out the falsehoods in the NRCC’s latest television and radio attack ad.

“LuAnn has always kept her promises,” Owens says in the video. “The ad that you see is simply not true.”

Owens calls the NRCC’s ad, which distorts the facts surrounding a construction project that Bennett and Owens worked on together, “a complete distortion of the facts.”

The 77 H Street project created nearly 700 jobs and established an educational foundation to which LuAnn Bennett contributed $3 million dollars. The project also provided $6.8 million to local community organizations in the neighborhood.

Bennett and Owens’ company Bennett Group developed the 77 H Street site into an award – winning mixed use project which brought a grocery store to a food desert.

For more information about the facts surrounding LuAnn Bennett’s 77 H project, visit www.luannforcongress.com/thefacts.


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