Home Education Latest Tweets by Fairfax Far-Right School Board Member Feature Fidel, Florence Henderson...

Latest Tweets by Fairfax Far-Right School Board Member Feature Fidel, Florence Henderson with Laser Beams


Just a reminder that far-right-winger Elizabeth Schultz is really – not making this up! – a member of the Fairfax County School Board. Of course, these days, with sociopathic con man and authoritarian bigot Donald Trump as President-elect, I guess noting is shocking, but still…WTF Springfield District??? Check out her latest bizarro tweets below. Also note that I am grateful, as a blogger, for Schultz helping fill the content vacuum left when her fellow far-right-wing loon and anti-LGBT extremist Eugene Delgaudio was (finally!) booted off the Loudoun County Board of Supervisors…

P.S. Schultz is basically clueless, but I wonder if she is even aware that Florence Henderson was a huge LGBT ally…

P.S. For more on Schultz – the LAST person who should ever be on a School Board! – see Audio: EW Jackson Talks to Anti-#LGBT Fairfax County School Board Member Elizabeth Schultz, Far-Far-Right Fairfax County School Board Member Recommends Video by Rabid Bigot, Extremist,Video: Heated Debate Over Transgender Rights in Fairfax County Public Schools,Audio: “Only voice of reason on the Fairfax County School Board” Goes Nuts Over Transgender Directive, Just When You Thought Fairfax County School Board Member, Anti-LGBT Extremist Elizabeth Schultz Couldn’t Get Any Crazier,  Far-Right Fairfax County School Board Member Tweets Out False Popular Vote Count, etc., etc.


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