Home 2019 Elections Far-Right Fairfax County School Board Member Tweets Out False Popular Vote Count

Far-Right Fairfax County School Board Member Tweets Out False Popular Vote Count


First, here’s the actual popular vote count as of last night. Note that Hillary Clinton’s lead is growing all the time, and will most likely end up at 1.5-2 million by the time all the ballots are counted.

Now, here’s what far-right Fairfax County School Board member Elizabeth Schultz falsely claims the popular vote count is. Can anyone seriously argue that a person like this, who routinely tweets out false “news,” plus extreme and bigoted comments, should be on a school board???

Note that Schultz tweeted out this blatantly false vote count hours after the real vote count – Clinton ahead by 750k votes and growing by the hour – was available. Now why would anyone do such a thing? Hmmmm.

P.S. For more on Schultz – the LAST person who should ever be on a School Board! – see Audio: EW Jackson Talks to Anti-#LGBT Fairfax County School Board Member Elizabeth Schultz, Far-Far-Right Fairfax County School Board Member Recommends Video by Rabid Bigot, Extremist,Video: Heated Debate Over Transgender Rights in Fairfax County Public Schools,https://bluevirginia.us/2016/05/audio-voice-reason-fairfax-county-school-board-goes-nuts-transgender-directive, Just When You Thought Fairfax County School Board Member, Anti-LGBT Extremist Elizabeth Schultz Couldn’t Get Any Crazier, FCDC Chair Sue Langley: School Board Member Elizabeth Schultz (R) “has gone on a Trump style, unhinged social media rant”, ,etc., etc.


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