Home Donald Trump Audio: Trump White House Switchboard, Comments Line…Uh, Less Than Helpful

Audio: Trump White House Switchboard, Comments Line…Uh, Less Than Helpful


Gotta love the new, (not) improved Trump White House switchboard (202-456-1414) and comments line (press 1 when prompted). What you get when you call is a recording, and if you want to leave a comment, it says “the comment line is currently closed, but your comment is important to the President, and we urge you to send us a comment online at www.whitehouse.gov/contact or send us a message through Facebook Messenger.”  Just one early example of how Trump and Company are working to make America “great again” (I know, I know…that was snark).

UPDATE: I was just informed that the Washington Times had a short story on January 14 which reported, “The White House comments line, 202-456-1111, is no longer working and apparently hasn’t been operational for weeks. The line is normally staffed by volunteers.”  So…if that’s true, apparently the comments line was shut off during the transition and hasn’t been restarted (at least not yet) by the Trump administration.


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