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At Dulles Airport, Va. Gov. McAuliffe, AG Herring Push Back Against Trump’s Racist Anti-Muslim Executive Order


Press conference happening now at Dulles Airport with Gov. Terry McAuliffe and AG Mark Herring re: Trump’s disgraceful executive order on Muslim refugees, visas. From Gov. McAuliffe’s Twitter feed:

  • “I’m deeply disappointed by @POTUS actions to close our country to Muslim travelers & people seeking refuge from persecution”
  • “This executive order is antithetical to the values that make America great. It will not make our country less safe”
  • “On behalf of Virginia, I urge @POTUS to rescind this EO and return the United States to its place as a beacon of hope for all”
  • “My team and @AGMarkHerring are assessing the legal and policy steps we can take to oppose this policy”

From Del. Marcus Simon’s Twitter feed:

  • “Gov Says he knows of at least one Va Family being detained. Demands answers why. We are on Virginia soil”
  • “This executive order is antithetical to the values that make America great. It will not make our country less safe”
  • “Immigration attorneys now asking Gov and AG to help them get access to families in back – being detained by Feds”
  • “Also here @kmurphyva @JenniferBoysko and @Koran4sterling”


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