Home 2019 Elections Video: Amidst Protesters Against “White Supremacy,” Corey Stewart Defends Robert E. Lee...

Video: Amidst Protesters Against “White Supremacy,” Corey Stewart Defends Robert E. Lee as “Great American”


So many things to love about this video (see below), including Corey Stewart’s (African-American) ally arguing that “all the people screaming white supremacy are….white.” He adds, “black men don’t need to be saved, we don’t, we’re perfectly fine.” Meanwhile, Corey Stewart claims that the protesters against “white supremacy” have “no respect for our heritage…no respect not only for Robert E. Lee, a great American, but they have no respect for Thomas Jefferson or James Madison or George Washington… great American and Virginia heroes.” Hmmm…Robert E. Lee, who took up arms against the United States in order to defend his state’s brutal system of slavery was a “great American?” Fascinating. And how are these protesters against James Madison, etc? Did Jefferson, Madison or Washington take up arms against our country? Last I checked: no they did not.


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