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Democrats (aka, Sane People) React to Trump’s Psychopathic Decision to Pull Out of Paris Climate Accord


DPVA Condemns Trump Decision to Leave Paris Climate Accord

RICHMOND, Va. – The Democratic Party of Virginia today condemned President Donald Trump’s decision to pull out of the Paris Climate Accord, the global agreement signed at the end of 2015, and is calling on Republicans in Virginia to take a stand to mitigate the impacts of climate change.

In response to Trump’s decision to stop enforcing the emission standards laid out in President Obama’s Clean Power Plan, Governor McAuliffe has taken action in Virginia by working to implement those standards through his executive directive, the “Clean Energy Virginia” initiative.

The Washington Post Editorial Board recently praised this measure and called on other states to follow Virginia’s lead. Meanwhile, Republican governors in two other states have called on Trump to stay in the Paris Climate Accord, and the Republican gubernatorial candidates should do the same.

“Pulling out of the Paris Agreement will devastate the global effort to curb the effects of climate change, and the president’s decision today further damages the United States’ standing in the international community,” said DPVA spokeswoman Katie Baker. “Virginia is leading the national response to Trump’s climate denial, which will require an aggressive coordinated effort between state and local leaders to compensate for the president’s inaction. Governor McAuliffe’s ‘Clean Energy Virginia’ initiative is a crucial first step, which is why it’s critical that we elect a Democrat to carry on his work in November.”



WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Tim Kaine, a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, released the following statement on President Trump’s decision to abandon America’s commitment to the Paris Climate Agreement:  

“President Trump’s retreat from the Paris Agreement will turn over America’s international leadership role to China and make it harder to deal with the realities of climate change we already see at home in places like Hampton Roads, Virginia. This retreat also reflects an extraordinary lack of faith in American innovation, as the President seems to think that the U.S. commitment to cut about 1/4th of our carbon pollution by 2025 is beyond the grasp of the country that won World War II and put men on the moon. I reject the notion that this nation has to choose between our clean energy and economic goals. I want to tell my grandchildren that the United States met this challenge head-on and triumphed over it, not shrank and cowered from it. I am confident that our nation’s optimistic, can-do spirit will eventually prevail over this short-sighted dereliction of America’s leadership role.”

House Green Dogs’ Statement on Trump’s Decision to Withdraw from Paris Climate Agreement 

“Trump has proven that he doesn’t have what it takes to face this challenge.”

Fairfax, VA – Representatives Gerry Connolly (D-VA), Doris Matsui (D-CA) and Paul Tonko (D-NY), co-chairs of the House Sustainable Energy and Environment Coalition, released the following statement on President Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement:

“We condemn President Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Paris Agreement. Climate change is a pressing global problem that is putting lives at risk now and taking the planet as we know it away from our children and grandchildren. 

“In a moment in history when the American people and the entire world need a bold leader to help us find a solution, Trump has proven that he doesn’t have what it takes to face this challenge.  

“It’s up to the rest of us, working together, to lead the fight to protect our families and our planet. Action on climate change doesn’t just happen at the national level—cities of all sizes, states, and companies across the country are already leading the way on reducing greenhouse gas pollution. We urge mayors, governors, and CEOs to reaffirm their commitment to being part of achieving and surpassing the U.S. climate pledge. And as members of SEEC, we will continue to fight for funding and policies that protect our communities from climate change. Together, we can let the world know that America is still with them in building a cleaner economy and a safer planet for all.”

The House Sustainable Energy and Environment Coalition, commonly referred to as the “Green Dogs,” is the largest pro-environment caucus in the House of Representatives. They are committed to addressing global climate change and investing in the clean and renewable energy technologies of tomorrow.



~ On Trump Administration’s decision to withdraw from Paris climate agreement ~ 

WASHINGTON –  U.S. Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-VA) released the below statement following President Trump’s decision to withdraw from the landmark Paris climate agreement, which when signed in 2015 committed 195 nations to act on climate change:

“President Trump’s disappointing action today places our national security at risk, and it will harm the health and safety of Americans. It is a rejection of settled science and it poses a direct threat to Virginia’s environment, economy and way of life. Withdrawing from the Paris Climate Agreement and abdicating America’s leadership role in the world is a historic mistake.”



House Democratic Leaders On Climate Reject Trump’s Decision To Retreat From US Leadership, Withdraw From Paris Agreement

June 1, 2017 (Washington, DC) – Reps. Alan Lowenthal (D-CA) and Don Beyer (D-VA), co-chairs of the Congressional Safe Climate Caucus, today denounced the decision by the Trump White House to withdraw the United States from the Paris Climate Agreement.

“Pulling the U.S. out of the Paris Climate Change Accord is not leadership. It is an act of cowardice,” said Rep. Lowenthal (D-CA). “The Trump administration has a blatant disregard for the truth and is determined to turn the misleading claims and tired talking points of a handful of billionaires and their lobbyists into pro-polluter policy. Pulling out of the Paris Accord will have long lasting negative impacts on the health, safety, and prosperity of our families.”

Departure from the Paris Agreement would make the United States one of only three nations not participating in the international plan to fight climate change. The others are Syria and Nicaragua.

“Trump’s decision will be a self-inflicted wound on our allies’ trust in American leadership,” said Rep. Beyer (D-VA). “The Paris Agreement was a vision reflecting decisive action, hope, ingenuity, and the ideals with which we would define our country’s place in the world. Withdrawal from that agreement represents a triumph of ignorance, nativism, and political pandering, and the message it sends to other countries will be disastrous for the relationships which have built and sustained our prosperity.”

The House Safe Climate Caucus was formed in 2009 to raise awareness both within Congress and with the public about the many ways climate change is affecting the world. It has 52 Members, including co-chairs Lowenthal and Beyer.


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