Home Education Video: Virginia Democratic Lt. Governor Candidates On Immigration, Education, Health Care, Message...

Video: Virginia Democratic Lt. Governor Candidates On Immigration, Education, Health Care, Message to Trump Voters, etc.


These items were addressed by each of the candidates for Lieutenant Governor a couple weeks ago at the Staunton Forum. They are posted without commentary or editing. Choose one or more that will help you decide your choice in the primary and listen for your trigger.

  • Message to Trump voters
  • Immigration Policy
  • Education Policy
  • Health Care Policy
  • Child hunger
  • Plan B after Medicaid expansion fails
  • Expanded accommodations for access

Message to Trump voters

Immigration policy

Reaction to education policies that shift emphasis to charter schools

Virginia health care policy

Addressing child hunger

Plan B when Medicaid expansion is no longer an option

Expanded accommodations for access


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