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Video: Pride Fund Releases Digital Ad Highlighting Ed Gillespie’s “Devotion to the Gun Lobby”


The Pride Fund to End Gun Violence nails it on Ed Gillespie’s “devotion to the gun lobby” and his “false statements during [the] first Virginia governor’s debate.”

Pride Fund Releases Digital Ad Attacking Virginia Gubernatorial Candidate Ed Gillespie


Video highlights Ed Gillespie’s devotion to the gun lobby and false statements during first Virginia governor’s debate
Washington, D.C. July 25, 2017 — Pride Fund to End Gun Violence PAC – America’s only LGBTQ political organization solely focused on gun violence prevention – today announced the release of its digital campaign ad, Science Lesson, highlighting Virginia gubernatorial candidate Ed Gillespie’s false statements made during the PBS governor’s debate on Saturday morning, July 22, 2017.

“Ed Gillespie has proven yet again that he is incapable of providing a clear, informed opinion on the effects of gun violence in the Commonwealth. When gun safety was discussed in the debate, Ed refused to answer the question directly; instead, he cited a biased, unsubstantiated study to support his opinion. Ed Gillespie has a consistent A rating from the NRA, and the fact that he continues to regurgitate NRA talking points during this first debate instead of forming his own educated opinion is not fair to the constituents he is running to represent. This is why we decided to roll out our first digital ad of the 2017 election, in order to expose Ed Gillespie’s true allegiance, and support his opponent, Ralph Northam,” said Jason Lindsay, founder and Executive Director of Pride Fund.

“People in the Commonwealth deserve better. We’re proud to back Ralph Northam, a true leader who supports sensible gun reforms like expanding background checks, an assault weapons ban, and restricting access to high-capacity magazines. As a pediatrician, public servant, and an Army doctor, Ralph has a proven track record of serving his community and treating those most prone to gun violence. For example, as a pediatrician, Ralph has held dying children in his arms who suffered from gunshot wounds. Ralph’s military service as an Army doctor makes him an expert on this issue, and we’re proud to support his campaign for governor of Virginia,” said Lindsay, who is an Iraq war veteran.

Pride Fund gives the LGBTQ community a voice in the movement to pass sensible gun laws and prevent future gun tragedies. We support pro-LGBTQ candidates, like Ralph Northam, across the country who will act to reform our gun laws and improve safety in all American communities. In contrast, Ed Gillespie holds an “A” rating from the NRA, and is an avid supporter of Donald Trump’s agenda, proving that he will be nothing but a rubber stamp for radical special interest groups.

“We’re going to hold NRA puppets like Ed Gillespie accountable across the country. We are tired of listening to the same flawed talking points from NRA-endorsed candidates, and watching as these candidates allow 33,000 Americans to die every year from gun violence,” said Lindsay.

This cycle, Pride Fund has endorsed 13 candidates in Virginia. We have endorsed candidates after a thorough vetting process to test their commitment to gun safety and LGBTQ equality.

About the Pride Fund to End Gun Violence

Pride Fund to End Gun Violence (Pride Fund) is a Political Action Committee (PAC) established after the Pulse nightclub massacre, organized for the purpose of raising and spending money to elect pro-LGBT candidates at the national level who support sensible gun reforms.


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