Home 2019 Elections Video: Superb Discussion of Charlottesville with Rep. Tom Perriello, Rabbi Shira Stutman,...

Video: Superb Discussion of Charlottesville with Rep. Tom Perriello, Rabbi Shira Stutman, Wes Gobar and Rep. Keith Ellison


Great job by Yasmine Taeb in helping to organize this superb discussion of Charlottesville with former Rep. Tom Perriello, Rep. Keith Ellison, UVA Black Student Alliance President Wes Gobar and Rabbi Shira Stutman. I strongly recommend that everyone watch it. Great quote by Tom Perriello: “I talked to a lot of [the white supremacists/neo-Nazis] and there were a few things I concluded: one, nobody was talking to me about NAFTA and economic reasons, they were very clear that this was about white supremacy and tribalism…the level of animosity…towards Jews was extraordinarily clear…I was called a Jew banker at least a dozen times that day…these were not people looking for a debate or an engagement of that kind…I got pepper sprayed a few times by the Nazis…I wanted to look in the face of these guys…and just see what these people are about – and it is just hate, it is anger, they are looking for a fight, and they genuinely believe if they start a race war that a majority of the white community’s going to rally to their side.”


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