Home 2019 Elections Video: Northam vs. Gillespie Debate

Video: Northam vs. Gillespie Debate


In which Ed Gillespie tries as hard as he can NOT to answer questions, NOT to clearly state whether he only supports Trump 99% or whether he goes all the way, etc. #FAIL

From the Northam campaign:

STATEMENT: In Second Debate Victory, Ralph Northam Leads With Bold Economic Vision For Virginia

Richmond, Va. – Today, Dr. Ralph Northam and Ed Gillespie took part in the second debate of the 2017 Virginia gubernatorial race, hosted by the Northern Virginia Chamber of Commerce and the Schar School of Policy and Government at George Mason University.

Northam for Governor Campaign Manager Brad Komar released the following statement on Dr. Ralph Northam’s victory in the second general election debate:

“The candidate who brought home the victory in tonight’s debate is the candidate who proved he will stand up and defend the economic security, health, and equal rights of Virginians: Dr. Ralph Northam. Ed Gillespie tonight auditioned to be Donald Trump’s top lobbyist in Virginia, instituting tax cuts for the wealthy at the expensive of public education, workforce development, and healthcare.

“The optimistic vision Ralph laid out tonight is a reflection of his life of service as an Army doctor, volunteer children’s hospice medical director, pediatric neurologist, state senator, and lieutenant governor, proving he has the experience and integrity necessary to build on Virginia’s economic progress and defend our values against those who want to take us back.

“This November, voters have a choice of two economic visions: Ed’s plan to cut taxes for the wealthy at the expense of hard-working Virginians versus Ralph’s proven track record of growing the economy and giving people the skills needed to fill new-collar jobs. Ralph has stood against Washington policies that harm Virginians, and yet, Gillespie still won’t take a position on the latest proposed Trumpcare bill. Ralph is an independent voice that will stand up to Trump’s dangerous policies; not just cop out and say ‘it’s a federal issue.’ We can count on Ralph to steer Virginia in the right direction — which is why Ralph is the choice is clear for Virginians this November.”


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