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Video: Moral Movement Virginia “praying [Rep. Barbara Comstock’s] going to vote no to greed and stand with the poor & vulnerable”


Great job by Moral Movement Virginia, which is peacefully but insistently challenging Rep. Barbara Comstock, on faith-based grounds, to vote against the immoral GOP tax monstrosity. According to Moral Movement Virginia, “we’re praying that she’s going to vote no to greed and stand with the poor & vulnerable. They add: “#GodHatesGreed join us at Rep. Comstock’s Sterling office all day today, with a candlelight vigil at 4:30. Call the Sterling office to ask that she vote NO 703-404-6903!” Personally, I think there’s zero chance – barring divine intervention – of Rep. Comstock doing the right thing here (or in almost any situation), which means that next November, we need to vote her out of office. Her multiple votes for this hideous tax bill should be Exhibit A in the case for electing a Democrat to replace her in 11 months.


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