Home 2019 Elections 4Q2017 Fundraising Numbers Are Coming In…

4Q2017 Fundraising Numbers Are Coming In… [UPDATED]


4Q17 fundraising numbers for Congressional candidates are coming in; I’ll post press releases and other info as I get it. First, from the FEC, here are some numbers:

U.S. Senate
Sen. Tim Kaine (D): Net contributions of $1,084,473; Cash on Hand of $9,209,028.
Corey Stewart (R): Net contributions of $197,784; Cash on Hand of $175,271.
EW Jackson, Sr. (R): Net contributions of $17,185; Cash on Hand of $14,306.
Nick Freitas (R): N.A.
Ivan Raiklin (R): Net contributions of $41,693; Cash on Hand of $7,222.
Bert Mizusawa (R): N.A.

John Suddarth (D): Net contributions of $26,855; Cash on Hand of $25,018.
Vangie Williams (D): Net contributions of $9,630; Cash on Hand of $1,876.
Ryan Sawyers (D): Net contributions of $10,330; Cash on Hand of $12,603.
Edwin Santana (D): Net contributions of $6,148, Cash on Hand of $9,439.
Rep. Rob Wittman (R): Net contributions of $126,164; Cash on Hand of $953,695.

Shaun Brown (D): Net contributions of $662; Cash on Hand of -$2,759
Elaine Luria (D): N.A.
Karen Mallard (D): Net contributions of $10,747; Cash on hand of $12,424.
Garry Hubbard (D): N.A.
David Nygaard (D): N.A.
Rep. Scott Taylor (R): Net contributions of $509,494; Cash on Hand of $585,026

RD Huffstetler (D): Net contributions of $186,852; Cash on Hand of $474,052.
Leslie Cockburn (D): Net contributions of $195,709; Cash on Hand of $382,697
Ben Cullop (D): Net contributions of $45,863; Cash on Hand of $125,835.
Andrew Sneathern (D): Net contributions of $36,704; Cash on Hand of $121,577.
Lawrence Gaughan (D): N.A.
Rep. Tom Garrett (R): Net contributions of $90,325; Cash on Hand of $107,732.

Sergio Coppola (D): N.A.
Peter Volosin (D): Net contributions of $9,984; Cash on Hand of $3,118.
Jennifer Lewis (D): N.A.
Charlotte Moore (D): N.A.
Cynthia Dunbar (R): Net contributions of $29,670; Cash on Hand of $54,286
Ben Cline (R): Net contributions of $108,151; Cash on Hand of $78,328
Charles Haywood (R): Net contributions of $5,600; Cash on Hand of $5,132
Elliot Pope (R): N.A.

Helen Alli (D): Net contributions of $6,991; Cash on Hand of $1,837.
Abigail Spanberger (D): Net contributions of $140,315; Cash on Hand of $288,794.
Dan Ward (D): Net contributions of $281,486; Cash on Hand of $415,126.
Diane Fraser (D): Net contributions of $15,175; Cash on Hand of $21,388.
Rep. Dave Brat (R): Net contributions of $136,060; Cash on Hand of $469,879.

Anthony Flaccavento (D): Net contributions of $35,165; Cash on Hand of $17,564.
Justin Santopietro (D): Net contributions of $11,685; Cash on Hand of $6,908.
Rep. Morgan Griffith (R): Net contributions of $49,720; Cash on Hand of $195,170.

Alison Friedman (D): Net contributions of $358,359; Cash on Hand of $687,085.
Jennifer Wexton (D): Net contributions of $201,604; Cash on Hand of $473,796.
Paul Pelletier (D): Net contributions of $207,044 ; Cash on Hand of $183,944.
Dan Helmer (D): Net contributions of $154,036, Cash on Hand of $482,543.
Lindsey Davis Stover (D): Net contributions of $176,578; Cash on Hand of $413,622.
Deep Sran (D): Net contributions of $65,049; Cash on Hand of $93,245.
David Bruce Hanson (D): Net contributions of $1,668; Cash on Hand of $1,967.
Julia Biggins (D): Net contributions of $27,563; Cash on Hand of $54,009.
Shadi Ayyas (D): N.A.
Shak Hill (R): Net contributions of $49,178; Cash on Hand of $37,637.
Rep. Barbara Comstock (R): Net contributions of $469,930; Cash on Hand of $1,193,781.


VA-10 Candidate Announces Impressive Showing for 4th Quarter

(McLean, VA) – Today, the Paul Pelletier for Congress campaign will file its first quarterly campaign finance report indicating that Pelletier has raised over $200,000. The contributions were raised between October 30, 2017, when Pelletier entered the race, through December 31, 2017. Pelletier, a former federal prosecutor for almost 30 years is running to replace Congresswoman Barbara Comstock (VA-10), a Republican who is considered one of the most vulnerable Members of Congress in the country.

“Right out of the gate, I am incredibly grateful to so many people who have invested early in my critically important campaign,” said Pelletier. “This is a must-win seat if Democrats  are going to take back the House and these early supporters know that I have the right prosecutorial experience to hold Donald Trump accountable, and to make the best case against Barbara Comstock.”

In the filing with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) the campaign will report contributions of $207,044.00, expenditures of $23,099.67 and will have $183,944.33 cash on hand.

“The support that Paul has garnered in six short weeks points to the excitement and enthusiasm for his candidacy,” stated Kim Devlin, Paul Pelletier for Congress General Consultant. “Paul’s numbers are impressive because it was such a short fundraising period. He entered the race a month into the fourth quarter and at the tail end of the competitive Virginia 2017 races that took up a great deal of public interest and financial support.

“Paul’s supporters know that in a crowded field of good Democrats, he is the one with the best bio and background to defeat Barbara Comstock,” Devlin continued.

After serving as a federal prosecutor for over 27 years, Pelletier retired from the Department of Justice in 2011. While at Justice, Pelletier developed a reputation as a fearless fighter who would successfully prosecute the biggest and baddest criminals, including international drug kingpins, Wall Street and banking executives and corrupt politicians, on both sides of the aisle.

The 10th Congressional District is located in Northern Virginia and includes portions of Fairfax and Prince William Counties, all of Loudoun, Clarke and Frederick Counties and the cities of Winchester, Manassas and Manassas Park. A primary for the Democratic nomination will be held June 12, 2018.


Wexton Raises over $200,000 in Q4

Jennifer Wexton Announces Strong Q4 Fundraising Report in VA-10 Bid

State Senator Jennifer Wexton raised $203,204 for her Congressional campaign in the fourth quarter of 2017, bringing her total haul to $660,516. In Q4 alone, Wexton received donations from 1,073 different individuals, and received strong local support with 79% of her money raised coming from Virginia. Over the course of the entire year, Wexton received contributions from 2,668 different individuals and 82% of her total money came from Virginia.

“I continue to be humbled and amazed by the outpouring of support our campaign is receiving from Virginians all across the district,” said Wexton. “People know that Barbara Comstock, with her support for the Trump agenda, does not represent their best interests in Washington, and that we need to vote her out in November. I’m honored to have so many people from Northern Virginia in my corner.”

Wexton’s strong Q4 finance report follows her endorsement by over 60 local elected officials, including Congressmen Gerry Connolly (VA-11) and Donald McEachin (VA-4). In response to Wexton’s entry into the race in late April, the Cook Political Report moved its rating of the 10th District from Lean Republican to Toss Up.


Cullop Campaign Continues To Be Funded By First-Time Federal Donors

47% Of Cullop’s Contributors This Cycle Are Newly-Engaged Activists, A Group Democrats Will Need In Order To Take Back VA-5 and The House Of Representatives

EARLYSVILLE, VA – Today, Democrat Ben Cullop’s campaign for Congress in Virginia’s 5th District announced that it continued to engage first-time federal donors in the fourth quarter of 2017. Nearly half of Cullop’s donors had never given to a federal candidate before, a sign that he is quickly earning the support of a group Democrats need in order to win Virginia’s 5th District and take back the House of Representatives in 2018.

With the help of newly-engaged activists, Cullop, an Albemarle County resident and 4th generation Virginian, raised $101,213 in the final quarter of 2017. His campaign has $125,570 on hand.

“As we’ve focused on building support for the nominating convention, Ben has engaged young, newly-active folks across the 5th District and across the country who want to see their values represented in Washington,” said Cullop for Congress campaign manager Jeff Allen. “Ben’s positive vision for change has attracted people from across the political spectrum, and we’re proud that he is bringing a new generation into the political fold.”

Cullop is the only candidate who has committed to not taking any corporate PAC money during his campaign and during his tenure in the House of Representatives.

Ben Cullop is a 4th generation Virginian who received his undergraduate degree and MBA from the University of Virginia. He built a successful career investing in communities and businesses across Virginia. He serves his community as a member of the advisory board of the UVA Children’s Hospital, the Albemarle County Police Foundation Board, and previously, the Charlottesville Retirement Commission. Ben lives in Albemarle County with his wife, Ashley, and their two young children.

For more information on Ben Cullop and updates on the campaign, please visit www.CullopForCongress.com, or follow Ben on social media by following @Cullop4Congress on Twitter and liking his Facebook page.

Huffstetler Sets Records for Off-Year Fundraising in VA-05
CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA – Breaking multiple Fifth District records, Roger Dean (RD) Huffstetler raised $189,052 to his campaign last quarter in order to defeat Congressman Tom Garrett this November. Since announcing in late April, RD – the only Democrat seeking the nomination who has not self-funded – has raised over $820,000 to his campaign. That number represents the most ever raised by a challenger in the Fifth District at this point in the campaign. Furthermore, RD raised more from individuals in the off-year than any candidate in Fifth District history.

“I am grateful to every single person who has helped power this campaign,” RD said earlier today. “Across the Fifth District, folks are sick and tired of the dysfunction in Congress and are hungry for new leadership that will prioritize economic opportunity and job creation above all else. I look forward to bringing our message of hope for the future against the divisive politics of House Freedom Caucus member Tom Garrett this fall.”

RD’s campaign continues to be driven by an incredible grassroots movement, receiving over 650 contributions in the past quarter. Over 75% of these donations were $100 or less. This broad base of support, combined with over $474,000 cash on hand, is further proof that RD is the strongest candidate to take on Tom Garrett this November.



Sterling, VA – Today, Iraq and Afghanistan veteran Dan Helmer announced his campaign had raised more than $680,000 in his bid to unseat Barbara Comstock in Virginia’s 10th district. Helmer’s campaign finished the year with $482,000 in cash on hand, the second most in the crowded VA-10 primary.

“I am extremely proud of the work our campaign has done, both in terms of fundraising and building grass-roots support. Every day that I’m out in the district, I can feel the energy that it is going to help us finally oust Barbara Comstock and give Virginia 10 the representation it truly deserves in Congress,” Helmer said. “We are building a team of staff and volunteers that are motivated, and we are ready to turn resistance into inspiration.”

During the quarter, Helmer’s campaign raised over $154,000 in total contributions, and the campaign continued to add grass-roots donors, with over 70% of donations totaling $100 or less.

“Our campaign is creating the momentum that will sustain us through the primary,” said Bonnie Krenz, Helmer’s campaign manager. “We’ve talked with thousands of people across the district and the message we are hearing is clear – Barbara Comstock has to go, and Dan is the candidate that can finally flip Virginia 10 blue.”

Significant Drop in Campaign Contributions for Rep. Comstock

Contributions Down 9%, Cash on Hand Down 14%
Same Quarter Last Cycle

MCLEAN, VA – Rep. Barbara Comstock in Virginia’s Tenth Congressional District, is widely considered to be one of the most vulnerable House Republicans going into the 2018 midterms. Hilary Clinton won her district by ten points in 2016 and Virginia Governor Ralph Northam carried Rep. Comstock’s district by a whopping 14 points in 2017.

Polling done before the 2017 election revealed that Rep. Comstock has a 32% approval rating with VA-10 voters and also showed her losing by 9 points in a head to head race against a generic Democrat.

The bad news for Rep. Comstock continues as her end of year FEC filing yesterday revealed a major drop in contributions and an even larger drop in cash on hand.

Rep. Comstock reported $489K in total contributions for Q4 of 2017 and finished the year with $1.2M cash on hand. This is down 9% from $535K in contributions and down 14% from $1.4M cash on hand in Q4 of 2015.

Meanwhile, Comstock’s top four Democratic challengers are raising money at unprecedented levels. 

  • Alison Friedman:  $361K with $687K on hand
  • Jennifer Wexton:  $203K with $474K on hand
  • Lindsey Stover:  $177K with $414K on hand
  • Dan Helmer:  $154K with $483K on hand

The top four candidates, combined, have already raised $165K more than LuAnn Bennett raised in the entire 2016 cycle – with another full year to go.

See our convenient online spreadsheet which was compiled using final amended FEC reports for more details.

Dump Comstock is a grassroots group of citizens that formed for the sole purpose of defeating Barbara Comstock on November 6, 2018 and replacing her with someone who reflects the values of VA-10.  For more information on Dump Comstock please visit dumpcomstock.com.


Top Democratic Challenger and First-Time Candidate Alison Friedman Raises One Million in 2017

Outraises All Primary Challengers in the Fourth Quarter

McLean – Alison Friedman’s campaign raised over $360,000 in the fourth quarter of 2017 — taking her over one million dollars raised since she announced her bid to unseat Congresswoman Barbara Comstock in early June.

Looking specifically at contributions from individuals, Friedman far outpaced all candidates in the race – including incumbent Rep. Barbara Comstock. Friedman has raised more than $1 million from individuals since June 2017, which tops Comstock’s total for all of 2017.

The strong fundraising numbers follow on the announcement in January that Veteran, small business owner, and former delegate candidate Donte Tanner will serve as Alison for Virginia’s Campaign Chair.

First-time candidates from Virginia’s 10th District were responsible for nearly half of the Democratic pick-ups in the Commonwealth’s historic November election.

“This is a special time in Virginia politics. Voters last year proved that they’re angered by Trump, tired of dysfunction, and willing to work hard to elect new leaders mobilized by this moment,”  said Kees Nordin, Alison for Virginia Campaign Manager. “Alison is that candidate, and our campaign has been working hard to ensure we have the resources to communicate Alison’s record of service and the striking contrast it provides to Congresswoman Comstock’s record of complicity with Donald Trump’s reckless agenda.”

Alison Friedman is an accomplished activist and diplomat with a proven record of results on the issues of human trafficking, security, and civil rights.  As the co-founder of a nonprofit to fight human trafficking, Alison authored a law fighting slavery in supply chains that became an international model. Alison was then recruited to work in the State Department under President Obama, where she worked to implement the signing of an Executive Order strengthening protections against human trafficking throughout federal contracts. She lives in McLean with her daughter, Olivia.

Leslie Cockburn Raises More Than Competitors in Virginia’s Fifth Congressional District

With the end of the 4th quarter results in, Leslie Cockburn out-raised all of her Democratic and Republican competitors in the 5th District of Virginia. With more than 500 individual contributions and no corporate PAC money, Ms. Cockburn received more than four times the contributions from individual donors as Andrew Sneathern and more than three times the donations received by Ben Cullop.

Fifty-six percent of contributions to Cockburn’s campaign were $100 or less in an impressive grass roots campaign. Her strategy of building a solid base in the 21 counties of the district going into the caucus-convention is paying off in contributions. “I’m thrilled with these numbers,” says Leslie Cockburn. “We are in a strong position for the upcoming convention and we have raised many more dollars since January 1st. These contributions pay for a superb campaign team and lots of buttons.”


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