Home Ralph Northam Poll: What Should Ralph Northam’s Approach Be as Governor?

Poll: What Should Ralph Northam’s Approach Be as Governor? [FINAL RESULTS]


Click on the image, below, to view final results (with 205 votes) from Blue Virginia’s online, unscientific poll of what readers want Ralph Northam’s approach to be as governor of Virginia. The winners: 1) Northam should push a progressive and enviro agenda HARD – period (34.15%); 2) Northam should focus on accomplishing 1 or 2 main goals, like Medicaid expansion (25.85%); 3) Northam should aggressively try to set up Dems for victories in 2019 (22.44%); 4) Northam should work closely with the GOP, govern in a bipartisan/”centrist” manner (13.66%). Personally, I voted for #3, but I also think #2 would be smart, and I’m all for pushing progressive and environmental policies. Perhaps the most interesting result from this poll, IMHO, is that very few people voted for the “work closely with the GOP”/”bipartisan” option.  That one doesn’t seem to be too popular – for good reason – among the Democratic base these days, given how Republicans treated Barack Obama, how Donald Trump/Paul Ryan/Mitch McConnell are behaving, etc. Anyway, we’ll see what Ralph Northam decides to do, but my guess is a combo of #4 and #2. Stay tuned…


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