Home Dominion Power A Few Excellent Anti-Dominion-Bill Graphics to Spread Around on Social Media

A Few Excellent Anti-Dominion-Bill Graphics to Spread Around on Social Media


Check out the graphics below and share them widely. Also, check out the Say No to Dominion Facebook page, which among other things explains what’s so bad about the Dominion rate freeze bill (see below the graphics for their post on that topic, as well as some Twitter actions you can take). I’d actually argue that the bill’s even worse than what the good folks at “Say No to Dominion” articulate; I’d add that there are no requirements for Dominion to do anything serious on renewable energy and/or energy efficiency; that the clean energy goals aren’t even CLOSE to ambitious enough; etc. Still, what Say No to Dominion lays out is a great start, and I thank them for doing it!

So what’s so bad about these bills? The easy answer is that a MONOPOLY is literally writing the laws that it has to follow. But the longer answer is it’s complicated. HOWEVER, “It’s complicated” is not a good reason for Virginia’s elected officials to ignore the concerns of their constituents (the folks who will actually “pay the bill” for this legislation).

Here’s our take:
1. Dominion owes rate-payers for being overcharged for years. They are trying to limit the amount they have to pay us back.

2. Dominion wants to charge you TWICE for the same thing. (give you less of a refund and also charge you for projects they said they were using the money didn’t give you back for.)

3. Dominion wants to regulate themselves. These bills limit the SCC oversight A LOT!

4. Dominion wants a “blank check” and they’ve wrapped up getting it into a complicated piece of legislation filled with “shiny objects” like green energy and renewables that are really meant to hide the shadiness of the other stuff.

We’ll post some videos and links in the comments below that explain some of the problems much better than we can. If you have a good resource, please feel free to link to it in the comments for this post. (we know there are a lot of other reasons for concern too…)

BOTTOM LINE? We need to raise our collective voices to be heard over the MILLIONS OF DOLLARS that Dominion dumps into Richmond. (Yeah, big money donations are a problem too with this.) We’re creating easy actions on this page so we all can stand up to Dominion. No more Charlie Brown getting fooled by Lucy.


We’ve made it easy for you to tweet at your elected officials to ask them to VOTE NO on the Dominion Bills #HB1558 and #SB966. Dominion wrote these bills. They gave themselves a blank check. These bills are a HUGE win for them. They get to manipulate the books, not actually give you all the money back they overcharged you, and all with basically ZERO oversight. This is NOT how our government should work. Tell your representatives, NO BLANK CHECK for Dominion.

Starting with the Senate Commerce & Labor Committee that meets today we’ve created a “one-click” twitter option. If you click on the link below it will pop-op your twitter feed. The “Blank Check” graphic is embedded so no need to add if you use our link. You’ll need to send Click to send to BOTH links to get the entire committee (too many characters for one tweet).

No Blank Check SENATE Commerce & Labor (Send two tweets to get all the members)

TWEET 1 of 2: Click link

TWEET 2 0f 2: Click link

FYI Here is what those tweets say. You can always copy and paste too. They already include the “Blank Check” image but we’ll put it in the comments too so you have it!

.@VAFrankWagner @DickSaslaw @TommyNorment @senatornewman @MarkObenshain @BillStanley @Chafin4Senate @VASenate @GovernorVA @FairfaxJustin @MarkHerringVA NO Blank Check for #Dominion‘s #HB1558 & #SB966 Monopoly gets ALL the power WE get stuck w/ bill! pic.twitter.com/Z07d7l9ihO

.@VAFrankWagner @JohnCosgroveVA @RosalynDance @SenLouiseLucas @SenRichardBlack @GlenSturtevant @ryanmcdougle @SenLSpruillSr @RichardStuartVA @GovernorVA NO Blank Check for #Dominion’s #HB1558 & #SB966 Monopoly gets ALL the power WE get stuck w/ bill! pic.twitter.com/Z07d7l9ihO


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