Home Guns Barbara Comstock Blames the FBI for Parkland Shooting

Barbara Comstock Blames the FBI for Parkland Shooting


From DumpComstock – Barbara Comstock demonstrates why she desperately needs to be dumped!

Comstock Blames the FBI for Parkland Shooting

Something incredible happened on Friday evening. Barbara Comstock actually blamed the FBI for the Parkland shooting.

When asked about the shooting, Comstock said the House and Senate needed to immediately start investigations into the FBI’s failure to follow protocols when it received tips about the shooter, as well as other cases where warning signs were not properly vetted.

In that same article, her spokesperson Jeff Marschner, went on to tell a complete lie that went unchecked by the Loudoun Times-Mirror:

Comstock’s Deputy Chief of Staff Jeff Marschner said the congresswoman has a “strong record of working with state, local, and national law enforcement professionals to keep firearms out of the hands of criminals and the mentally ill …”

Let’s start with blaming the FBI for the Parkland shooting.

  • This makes here sound exaclty like Trump
  • She is supposed to represent the hardworking professionals at the FBI – not throw them under the bus
  • Both the school and local law enforcement were already well aware of Cruz’s troubles
  • Local authorities even knew that Cruz was interested in buying a gun
  • Law enforcement is powerless to do anything unless they had sufficient evidence to arrest him and charge him with a crime

Even Fox News is willing to concede some of these points.

Cruz reportedly had dozens of run-ins with law enforcement prior to Wednesday’s shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High dating back to 2010.

Everyone knew this kid was troubled. His mother, his school, his classmates, social services and local law enforcement.

The real problem is there is nothing preventing a disturbed individual from buying an assault rifle.

If the police had clear evidence that Cruz was going to commit a crime they could have arrested him and charged him with conspiracy to commit murder. But for that you need evidence – not just obvious warning signs.

Short of this, there’s nothing the FBI or local law enforcement can do other than to keep an eye on him. So how many FBI agents should be devoted to around the clock surveillance of every mentally disturbed individual in the state of Florida?

Comstock claiming to be a champion of keeping guns out of the hands of the mentally ill is even more outrageous than blaming the FBI for the shootings.

Comstock voted to repeal the Obama administration rule prohibiting sale of firearms to mentally ill social security beneficiaries.

Comstock voted to allow gun purchases by individuals deemed so mentally incompetent that they are not allowed to manage their own finances. The bill was signed by Trump on the same day she skipped work to get her picture taken with him.

Comstock voted to repeal a law blocking mentally ill veterans from purchasing firearms.

She voted to repeal a law that was signed by President Bush after the Virginia Tech massacre. The law prevents gun purchases by any veteran deemed to be mentally incompetent to the point that they are not allowed to control their own finances.

Comstock voted for both of these bills even though as you can see in this video, she is too much of a coward to admit it.



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