Home 2019 Elections VA-10 Dems Poll FINAL RESULTS: Wexton 55%, Stover 13%, Friedman 9%, Biggins...

VA-10 Dems Poll FINAL RESULTS: Wexton 55%, Stover 13%, Friedman 9%, Biggins 9%, Helmer 7%, Ayyas 5%, Pelletier 3%


We’re almost exactly three months from primary election day (June 12) in Virginia, so I thought I’d start putting up some polls. We’ll start with the highest-profile Congressional race, VA-10, where eight Democrats currently are vying for the opportunity – and it IS an opportunity, a great one at that – to defeat Rep. Barbara Comstock (R) this November. Who do you support for the VA-10 Democratic nomination? Vote below!

UPDATE Wednesday AM:  I was initially hoping we might hit 1,000 votes in this poll, but it seems to be slowing down, so I might cut it off at 700 votes or so. We’ll see if it picks up or not today…

UPDATE #2 Thursday AM: Looks like the poll has stabilized and capped out at 665 votes, so I’m ending it.  Here are the final results.

Who Do You Support for the VA-10 Dem Nomination? (Poll Closed)
Total Votes: 665


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