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Video: Sen. Tim Kaine Talks Gun Violence Reduction with Students at Wakefield High School in Arlington


Check out the video, below, of Sen. Tim Kaine talking with AP Gov and Sociology students – along with Virginia’s 2018 Teacher of the Year, Michelle Cottrell-Williams – at Wakefield High School in Arlington about gun violence. According to Sen. Kaine, “I had a chance to talk to students in Arlington this morning about gun violence in the classroom – and what they had to say was powerful.” For instance, one student asked Sen. Kaine asked about the Dickey Amendment (which forbid the Centers for Disease Control from spending money to “to advocate or promote gun control“).

As one student powerfully stated: “gun violence is clearly a public health crisis – 100 people die and hundreds more are injured from guns in the U.S. each day; I believe that Congress should repeal the Dickey Amendment and provide dedicated funding for scientific research into the causes and prevention of gun violence.” Also, as reported by ArlNow, Sen. Kaine told the students, “You’re shaking us out of our complacency and challenging us” and that “‘every constitutional amendment has reasonable limits within it,’ emphasizing the ‘well-regulated’ aspect of the second amendment.” Great stuff; now we just need to continue and ramp up the pressure on politicians for action, including the March for Our Lives rally on 3/24 and, of course, the elections this November and beyond.

P.S. Sen. Kaine added in a tweet: “Kids shouldn’t have to shoulder the burden of demanding adults do their jobs when it comes to addressing gun violence. They should be worried about math tests or prom. Yet here we are…Was inspired today by Wakefield HS students calling for action. It’s time we listen to them.”


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