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In New Radio and Print Ads, Senator Tim Kaine Highlights Unity over Division and His Commitment to African American Communities


Check out the followin, from the Tim Kaine for Senate reelection campaign, as Virginia Republicans get ready to (possibly) nominate a raving bigot, xenophobe, demagogue, etc. for Senate.

In New Radio and Print Ads, Senator Tim Kaine Highlights Unity over Division and His Commitment to African American Communities

Today, Senator Tim Kaine is releasing two new ads — one print and one radio — which emphasize his belief in unity over division and highlight his commitment to African American communities in Virginia. As Republicans engage in a negative, divisive primary campaign in which they appeal to their far-right base, Kaine’s ads focus on how he is helping African American Virginians get ahead, from growing the economy and supporting job growth, to improving education, to protecting access to health care.

“Senator Tim Kaine is committed to creating a Virginia that works for everyone and rejecting bigotry and division,” said Kaine for Virginia Campaign Manager Keren Charles Dongo. “The African American community knows Tim and shares his vision of a Commonwealth where access to good jobs, health care, affordable housing and education are available to all no matter their ethnic background or the color of their skin.”

The 60-second radio ad, which will begin to go into rotation this week, is part of a five-figure buy that will run in the Richmond, Norfolk, Roanoke and Washington, DC, markets. The print ad will run in the Richmond Free Press, New Journal & Guide, and the Roanoke Tribune.

Listen to the radio ad here, and read the transcript below. The print ad is also listed below.

Print advertisement:

Radio ad transcript:

These days, it seems like politics just doesn’t work.

When racists march in our streets waving Confederate flags, some politicians call them “good people.”


They say they want to help us, but they would take health care away from millions of Americans.

They want to take us backwards and divide our community.

But in Virginia, Tim Kaine is fighting for us.

When Tim Kaine was a civil rights lawyer, he fought housing discrimination. When he was Mayor of Richmond, he built new schools in our communities. Then as Governor, he stood up against gun violence.

Now, in the Senate, Tim Kaine is protecting our access to health care, increasing funding for our HBCUs, and creating more jobs.

Tim Kaine knows that diversity and inclusion strengthen Virginia’s economy.

So let’s join Tim Kaine in making a Virginia that works for all of us and send him back to the Senate in 2018.


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