Home Energy and Environment Virginia DEQ: Due to Complaints and “Issues,” the “Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP)...

Virginia DEQ: Due to Complaints and “Issues,” the “Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) project team has agreed to temporarily suspend pipeline installation”


Great news [update: although on second thought, who knows with these MVP @#$!ers???] from the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (see press release, below) and per the Roanoke Times, even if this stoppage is only temporary. The key is to keep fighting to make it permanent. Why? Bunch of reasons, but to boil it down:

1) we do not need the natural gas from an energy perspective, certainly not given the huge potential for energy efficiency, solar and offshore wind here in Virginia;

2) economically, the Mountain Valley Pipeline makes zero sense for Virginia, certainly not compared to much better alternatives (note: the # of permanent jobs this pipeline will create is absolutely miniscule);

3) environmentally, the pipeline is very bad, because of the (potent greenhouse gas) methane released during the “fracking” process, the CO2 released when this fossil fuel is burned, and also because of the damage the pipeline construction is doing and will continue to do.

Other than that, what a great idea! LOL

In Coordination with the Virginia DEQ, MVP to Temporarily Suspend Pipeline Work in Virginia

Contact: Greg Bilyeu
June 29, 2018

RICHMOND, VA. – Based on issues identified during inspections and complaint inspections by the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), the Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) project team has agreed to temporarily suspend pipeline installation in Virginia.

To ensure proper soil erosion and sediment controls are implemented, MVP will direct crews to enhance and restore controls along the pipeline route.

All related construction activities within the project’s right of way (a 125-foot wide construction corridor) will resume only after MVP receives approval by DEQ.

A list of investigated sites is available on the DEQ website (www.DEQ.Virginia.gov/MVP). DEQ inspectors will continue to be on site to monitor and review pipeline construction throughout the project.

The public is welcome to email complaints to MountainValleyPipeline@DEQ.Virginia.gov or submit pollution reports on the DEQ website at www.DEQ.Virginia.gov/MVP. Public comments, complaints and concerns will be investigated as DEQ receives them.


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