Home 2019 Elections Dave Brat’s List of Crazy Questions Demonstrates That He Is a Whiny...

Dave Brat’s List of Crazy Questions Demonstrates That He Is a Whiny Little….Well, BRAT. And That He Clearly Needs a “Safe Space” – Badly!


Other than being an extremist and all-around crazy person, Rep. Dave Brat (R-VA07) is nothing if not a whiny little…well, BRAT!  For instance, check out his latest missive, below, in which he demands ANSWERS from 7th CD Democratic nominee Abigail Spanberger on a number of pressing questions that are no doubt on voters’ minds these days. For instance…

  • “How will you pay for your $32 trillion ObamaCare expansion?” First of all, Abigail Spanberger hasn’t proposed a “$32 trillion ObamaCare expansion.” So there’s that minor detail. Second of all, what Brat’s referring to isn’t “ObamaCare expansion,” it’s actually single payer health care, about which Vox says “it’s actually kind of a bargain.” Note that “Obamacare,” aka the Affordable Care Act, maintains private, for-profit health insurance, but makes tweaks along the lines of “Romneycare” and the early 1990s GOP alternative to “Hillarycare.” Don’t you just love all these stupid nicknames, btw? Third, the “$32 trillion” number is, what David Waldman of the Washington Post called “The dumbest criticism of single payer health care,” because “if we’re going to spend $49 trillion under the current system, and single payer would cost $32 trillion, doesn’t that mean we’d be saving $17 trillion?” But Dave Brat’s an economist, as he constantly reminds us, so I’m SURE he understands all this. Right? RIGHT? LOL
  • “Will you cancel our tax cuts and stop growing the economy?” Again, since Dave Brat constantly reminds us that he’s an economist, it’s hard to believe that he can be this COMPLETELY ignorant about economics, but…yeah, he really is that completely ignorant about economics. In fact, the economy’s been growing now for many years, since the Great Recession ended – thank you Democrats and President Obama! – back in June 2009. Under President Obama, by the way, we saw 75 straight months of job growth…all BEFORE the Republican tax cut that blew up the deficit/debt and has NOT increased economic growth or job growth (but again, it HAS exploded the deficit/debt…on the backs of the middle class, mostly).
  • “Do you support Governor Northam’s plan to make Virginia a sanctuary state and harbor for drug cartels and crime?” OK, so now we’re getting into the REALLY insane shit.  Just…whuuuuutttt???? Let’s just leave this one at “absolutely false insanity from the far-right fever swamps.” Oh, and vote this lunatic OUTTA THERE on November 6!
  • “Do you support the Democratic Party’s plan to eliminate I.C.E.?”  Again, whuuuuutttt??? Let’s just leave this one at the Democratic Party not having a plan to eliminate I.C.E. and…see previous comment.  Heh.
  • “Do you support former President Obama’s diplomatic strategy of leading from behind?” First off, last I checked, President Obama hasn’t been, well, President since the Corrupt, Criminal Orange Blob took over in January 2017. Second, “leading from behind” is simply a Fox “News”/far-right talking point that has absolutely no meaning whatsoever. Utter drivel from this soon-to-be-former Congressman.
  • “Do you support Senator Elizabeth Warren’s plan to nationalize American businesses?” Uhhhh…no. In fact, as Matthew Yglesias of Vox wrote the other day, this is an “unhinged attack” by the far right on “Warren’s proposed Accountable Capitalism Act, which…does not involve nationalizing anything at all.” Again, as Yglesias writes, under Warren’s plan, “no businesses would be nationalized.” But yeah, I guess Brat’s crazy comment is what happens when he only gets his “news” from the far-right echo chamber and doesn’t read the actual proposal. Or maybe, ya know, put on his Economist Hat and analyze what Warren’s plan actually says? But then again, that would require reading…and thinking…and work!
  • “Will you support the sovereign state of Israel?” What on earth does this even mean? It’s like asking, “Will you support the sovereign state of Japan” or “Will you support the sovereign state of Australia” or whatever. What does it mean? Like, does Brat think we should all pledge to support everything Country X or Country Z does? What on earth is Brat getting at here?!?
  • “Will you send a better tone to Washington, DC by asking your supporters to stop swearing at pastors during town halls?” I’ve checked around on this, and the best I can determine is that during a town hall in Chesterfield in the spring of 2017, Brat claims (key word: claims) that random people were (supposedly) yelling obscenities [UPDATE: here’s video – anyone hear anything remotely resembling yelling or obscenities? nope – Brat lied again!] while the pastor of the church where it was held was giving the opening prayer. Brat has further attempted to claim that these random people – if they even existed, other than in Brat’s feverish imagination – were “Abigail’s supporters” and even implied that she was somehow coordinating it (if “it” happened at all). Of course, Spanberger wasn’t even a declared candidate at the time, so there’s that. And of course, even if some random person yelled something, what on earth this would have to do with then-non-candidate Spanberger is extremely hard to understand. Finally, based on having observed Spanberger for a while now, something tells me that she would not approve of anyone swearing at a pastor…or at anyone else, for that matter. So bottom line, who knows what Brat’s ranting and raving about, but can we PLEASE replace him in Congress on November 6???
  • “Will you help the national tone and ask Blue Virginia to stop the incivility and shutting down of free speech?” Last but not least, Brat takes a shot at this very blog, for what he claims are two things: a) “incivility” and b) “shutting down of free speech.” Let’s begin with “b,” since that one demonstrates Brat’s lack of understanding of…well, basically EVERYTHING. For starters, free speech in our constitution has to do with the GOVERNMENT, specifically that “Congress shall make no law…abridging the freedom of speech.” So last I checked, Blue Virginia isn’t Congress, and we certainly don’t make laws, enforce laws, etc. Furthemore, last I checked, websites are under ZERO obligation to even have comments sections at all (check around; many don’t), let alone to allow any forms of speech – hate speech? racism? personal attacks on other users? – on their platforms (check around; almost every website has commenting rules that forbid certain types of speech, such as bigotry for instance). Third, last I checked, we here at Blue Virginia are all private citizens with the right to free speech ourselves; is powerful government official Dave Brat trying to infringe on OUR free speech? Fourth, to my knowledge, we haven’t banned or otherwise blocked Dave Brat or anyone from his campaign, so who knows what the hell Brat’s referring to, but my god man, get yourself a safe space fast (including from the “women up in my grill”)! Finally, as for the “incivility” point, all I can say is that the truth must hurt Brat’s feelings, also that he loves to dish it out but clearly can’t take it. Regardless, can VA-07 voters PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE send this guy to an early retirement on November 6? Thank you!


There are several unanswered questions Abigail Spanberger has refused to answer. The constituents of Virginia’s 7th District have a right to know just what Spanberger has planned for them in Congress.

I have been consistent. I have backed balanced budgets and limited government. I have supported legislation aimed at using federal resources to tackle national problems. I have voted against bills that threatened our economy and our security. I have not wavered from the promises I made when I first ran for Congress in 2014.

With Senator Elizabeth Warren, a champion of Bernie Sanders’ Democratic Socialist agenda, embracing Abigail Spanberger, there are very real reasons for Virginians to be concerned. What is Abigail promising? Who is she really representing? Is it Sen. Warren, who is endorsing her and raising money for her, or is it your family? Because we’ve all seen just how far Sen. Warren is willing to go to gain control over your family’s or your business’s finances.

She should answer the following questions:

  • Will you impeach President Trump?
  • How will you pay for your $32 trillion ObamaCare expansion?
  • Will you double everyone’s taxes to pay for your ObamaCare project?
  • Will you cancel our tax cuts and stop growing the economy?
  • Will you work across the aisle and support Supreme Court justice nominations?
  • Will you send a better tone to Washington, DC by asking your supporters to stop swearing at pastors during town halls?
  • Will you help the national tone and ask Blue Virginia to stop the incivility and shutting down of free speech?
  • Will you please explain to the voters of the 7th District why you are opposed to a border wall?
  • Do you support Governor Northam’s plan to make Virginia a sanctuary state and harbor for drug cartels and crime?
  • Do you support Governor Northam’s plan to raise everyone’s taxes?
  • Do you support the Democratic Party’s plan to eliminate I.C.E.?
  • Will you vote for a balanced budget amendment?
  • Do you support former President Obama’s diplomatic strategy of leading from behind?
  • Will you support the sovereign state of Israel?
  • Do you oppose government officials using FISA warrants to spy on American citizens?
  • Will you condemn the Democratic Party’s decision to remove language referencing God from their party platform?
  • Do you support Senator Elizabeth Warren’s plan to nationalize American businesses?
  • You have been endorsed by Senator Warren. Do you support Democratic Socialism?
  • Do you support Congresswoman Pelosi for Speaker? Or is Congresswoman Pelosi too conservative?
  • Do you support Congresswoman Maxine Waters to be Chairwoman of the House Financial Services Committee, as she is the ranking minority member?

Abigail Spanberger has been clever in her refusal to take specific positions on issues and legislation that affect your family. Democrats in the House and the Senate have been specific in their desire to raise taxes, increase regulations on small businesses, and to prevent the Executive Branch from defending the border. Is Spanberger with Senators Warren and Sanders? Or does she reject their radical Democratic Socialism?

The voters of Virginia’s 7th District need to know.




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