Home 2019 Elections Neo-Confederate Corey Stewart Hits New Low, Leaps to Defense of Sandy Hook...

Neo-Confederate Corey Stewart Hits New Low, Leaps to Defense of Sandy Hook “Truther,” “most paranoid man in America”


See below for neo-Confederate Corey’s new low. Oh, and just in case you’ve been living in a cave and aren’t familiar with Alex Jones’ “oeuvre,” check out InfoWars host Alex Jones faces defamation case from Sandy Hook families over false conspiracy theory (“Parents of shooting victims faced death threats and online harassment from conspiracy theorists “), Alex Jones’ Mis-Infowars: 7 Bat-Sh*t Conspiracy Theories (“From ‘false flag’ attacks to man-made hurricanes, a look at the favorite talking points of the ‘most paranoid man in America'”), Alex Jones, Donald Trump and the Assault on Truth, Former Tom Perriello Chief of Staff Brennan Gilmore, Who Caught Deadly Cville Attack on Video, Sues Infowars, Gateway Pundit for Defamation and “Severe Emotional Distress”, etc. Yep, this is the scum that neo-Confederate Corey is now defending (kinda like the “good people on both sides” in Charlottesville last year?).


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