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Audio: Scandal-Ridden Scott Taylor Whines About Poll Showing Him Down 8 Points, Attacks Ben Tribbett for Saying He’s Toast [UPDATED with DPVA Statement]

Ben's response: "I would tell Scott Taylor where I lived, but he’d probably use that to forge my signature on a petition.”


You really can’t get much more desperate or pathetic than #petitiongate-scandal-ridden Rep. Scott Taylor (R-VA02), who was on the John Fredericks radio show this morning whining about a new poll that shows him trailing his Democratic challenger, Elaine Luria, by 8 points (51%-43%). Taylor also whined…and whined…and whined some more about Virginia political analyst Ben Tribbett (aka, “Not Larry Sabato”), who was on the same show yesterday analyzing that Taylor was in deep, deep trouble, and that right now it looks like he’s going to lose to Luria (note: Ben’s exact quote was that Taylor “threw it all away with this petition scandal…made himself just look like an ass…very well may be Scott himself [indicted after the election]…their strategy is to stay out of jail…these are crimes.’).

In response, the clearly panicked Taylor spewed out the following idiocy. Also check out the audio, and Ben Tribbett’s pithy response to Taylor’s b.s., below…

  • “Where does Ben Tribbett live? Has Ben Tribbett ever walked around these streets and see who they support?”
  • “Our numbers are good.”
  • “They weren’t hearing that I was a racist, sexist, corrupt, or of any of those things.”
  • “I don’t care what Ben Tribbett says, he has no idea actually on the ground what’s going on here.”
  • “Tell him to drive down to Virginia Beach or Norfolk or Hampton or York County or Poquoson and tell him to drive through some neighborhoods and tell me what the support looks like. What he’ll see is a ton of Taylor signs, and just very few Luria signs.”
  • “Tell Ben Tribbett to do two things, go through some neighborhoods, go ask people whose running against Scott Taylor for Congress? It’s ridiculous, this isn’t a known candidate.”
  • “I think it’s a sham poll”
  • “Well with the benefit of hindsight of course not. But I have been very clear, I didn’t know any wrongdoing by anyone on my team, and when we found out there was anything wrong we fired senior staff immediately, and one of them is a good friend of mine.”
  • “They say I’m a convict, I’m on the loose, and all that BS, which is crazy.”
  • “I think people are not stupid.”
  • “It’s unfortunate they have to now listen and see all this stuff.”
  • “I can’t control the activities of people on my team, if they decide to do something wrong. Initially I didn’t think anything was wrong, I didn’t have information of any wrong, once we did, we took action, and fired senior staff.”

P.S. Ben Tribbett responded to Taylor’s question, “Where does Ben Tribbett live?”, with a great line a few minutes ago: “I would tell Scott Taylor where I lived, but he’d probably use that to forge my signature on a petition.” Ouch!

UPDATE: See the press release, below, from the Democratic Party of Virginia.

SCOTT TAYLOR WILD: Under investigation, trailing in polls – Congressman loses it on air

Richmond, VA — As he battles a criminal investigation into whether he directed his staff to take part in a forgery scheme, Scott Taylor is becoming more unhinged by the day. Today on conservative radio host John Frederick’s radio show, Rep. Taylor attacked political commentator Ben Tribbett over and over again for his analysis, which is backed up by recent polling, that Rep. Taylor’s actions are costing him with Hampton Roads voters.


Here are some selections from Rep. Taylor’s wild rant this morning:

“Where does Ben Tribbett live? Has Ben Tribbett ever walked around these streets and see who they support?”

“They weren’t hearing that I was a racist, sexist, corrupt, or of any of those things.”

“I don’t care what Ben Tribbett says, he has no idea actually on the ground what’s going on here.”

“Tell him [Ben Tribbett] to drive down to Virginia Beach or Norfolk or Hampton or York County or Poquoson and tell him to drive through some neighborhoods and tell me what the support looks like. What he’ll see is a ton of Taylor signs, and just very few Luria signs.”

“Tell Ben Tribbett to do two things, go through some neighborhoods, go ask people whose running against Scott Taylor for Congress? It’s ridiculous, this isn’t a known candidate.”

“Well with the benefit of hindsight of course not. But I have been very clear, I didn’t know any wrongdoing by anyone on my team, and when we found out there was anything wrong we fired senior staff immediately, and one of them is a good friend of mine.”

“They say I’m a convict, I’m on the loose, and all that BS, which is crazy.”

“I can’t control the activities of people on my team, if they decide to do something wrong. Initially I didn’t think anything was wrong, I didn’t have information of anything wrong, once we did, we took action, and fired senior staff.”

With just over of a month till November, it appears Scott Taylor has seen the writing on the wall, and is scared to take Elaine Luria head on as he instead turns to attacking political commentators in incoherent rants – what a shame.



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