Home 2019 Elections Video: Liberal Women of Chesterfield County Leader Kim Drew Wright on Finding...

Video: Liberal Women of Chesterfield County Leader Kim Drew Wright on Finding Her “Roar”


In episode #3 of Susan Platt’s new “VLOG” series on “Finding Your Roar, we hear from Kim Drew Wright, founder of Liberal Women of Chesterfield County, “a grassroots community of mostly women, who have come together since the 2016 presidential election to support and advocate for each other by growing our understanding and involvement in local, state, and federal government.”

Check out the interview, below. A few things that jumped out at me were: 1) Kim Drew Wright is doing all this amazing work while getting chemotherapy treatments for cancer and while her daughter was just diagnosed with PANS; 2) she says when she got her “roar” was on the night of the 2016 presidential election, when she says a “switch” flipped in her, where she realized that “this is not acceptable…women matter”; 3) LWCC is thinking about building branches across the country, “Liberal Women United.” Great stuff…thanks to Kim Drew Wright and the LWCC for everything you all are doing! And, as VA-07 Democratic nominee Abigail Spanberger put it: “The Liberal Women of Chesterfield County raised the roof in VA’s 2017 election, and 2018 will be no different. Their dedication, activism, & grit proved that any red seat (no matter how entrenched) can turn blue. Thank you for being an agent of positive change.”


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