Home Barack Obama Video: President Obama Makes Surprise, Day-Before-Election Appearance for Tim Kaine, Jennifer Wexton

Video: President Obama Makes Surprise, Day-Before-Election Appearance for Tim Kaine, Jennifer Wexton

And comes bearing doughnuts. ;)


So cool – G’Obama! And of course Go Kaine and Go Wexton! (note: this was at a Fairfax County field office; see video, below).

Obama: Jennifer Wexton is “part of this wave of remarkable candidates…women…we need more women in charge…as a former State Senator, I cannot imagine a better training to be an outstanding public servant than to be a State Senator.”

Obama: “When Tim Kaine talks about decency and compassion and doing what you believe is right even if it’s not always politically expedient, he is somebody who I have witnessed do that time and time again, and that is why I’m so proud not just to support him for an election, because that’s part of my job; I’m proud to call him a friend, somebody who I deeply respect, and somebody who Virginia is really lucky to have as its Senator.”

Obama: “The day before an election when I get a chance to see folks like you, young people who are showing for the first time what you can do with your voice…what’s more inspiring than that?”

Obama: “Health care’s on the ballot…but most importantly, the character of this country is on the ballot…how we conduct ourselves in public life is on the ballot…how we treat other people is on the ballot…what I’m seeing is this great awakening…suddenly people woke up and said…we can’t take this for granted, we have to fight for this…in that great awakening I feel hopeful…One election is not going to change everything…but what it does mean is that things start getting better, and better is really important, better is really good…better is a start, that’s what you’re doing…Let’s get to work!”


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