Home 2019 Elections SD33 Special Election Results: Congratulations to State Senator-Elect Jennifer Boysko (D)!

SD33 Special Election Results: Congratulations to State Senator-Elect Jennifer Boysko (D)!


UPDATE 8:07 pm – FINAL RESULTS are Boysko 14,766 (69.47%) – May 6,373 (30.41%). Total turnout was 21,168, slightly down from 21,684 in the January 2014 special election for SD33. Also see the summary graphic, below:

UPDATE 7:53 pm – With 53 of 55 SD33 precincts reporting, it’s Boysko 13,736 (69.21%)-May 6,087 (30.67%). Looks like total turnout will be similar or slightly down from the January 2014 special election.

UPDATE 7:50 pm – With 8 of 10 Fairfax SD33 precincts reporting, it’s Boysko 3,079 and May 943. Wipeout!

UPDATE 7:46 pm – With 100% of Loudoun precincts reporting, Boysko won 67.38% vs. May with 32.52%. Total turnout for Loudoun SD33 was 15,817 this time around, compared to 16,329 in the 2014 special election for SD33.

UPDATE 7:37 pm – According to Fairfax Elections, it’s Jennifer Boysko 1,445 vs. Joe May 474 in Fairfax County, with 3/10 precincts reporting.

UPDATE 7:26 pm – According to Loudoun Elections, Jennifer Boysko has 10,284 votes (67.8%) vs. 4,874 votes (32.1%) for Joe May, with 98% of precincts reporting in Loudoun County. This thing is OVER. Congratulations to Senator-elect Jennifer Boysko!

UPDATE 7:19 pm – Fairfax absentees went 239 (84%) for Boysko (D), 46 (16%) for May (R). Also worth noting is this tweet by Ben Tribbett: “Turnout picked up this afternoon in the special, will end up being close to turnout from 2014 special election where Wexton defeated Whitbeck and May.”

UPDATE 6:15 pm Tuesday – In the SD33 special election of January 21, 2014, turnout was 21,684 overall (16,329 in Loudoun County and 5,355 in Fairfax County). We’ll see how that matches up with today’s turnout…


If you live in SD-33 (see post from the State Board of Elections, below, if you’re not sure), makes sure you vote for Democrat Jennifer Boysko in the special election to replace Congresswoman Jennifer Wexton. This is a solidly “blue” district, but still, we need our voters to show up in order to make sure we hold this seat!  Thanks, and go Boysko!

TOMORROW (Jan. 8), voters in Virginia Senate District 33 (which includes parts of Fairfax and Loudoun counties) will choose a successor for Congresswoman Jennifer Wexton. Go tovote.virginia.gov to find out who’s running and where to go to cast your ballot. Questions?elections.virginia.gov/VRO #ElectionsMatter


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