Home 2020 Elections Ian Sams, Comms Director for Perriello 2017 and Kaine 2018, Now Kamala...

Ian Sams, Comms Director for Perriello 2017 and Kaine 2018, Now Kamala Harris for President’s National Press Secretary


Congratulations to Ian Sams – who I got to know, like and respect in 2017 when he was Tom Perriello’s communications director, and in 2018 when he was Sen. Tim Kaine’s communications director – on being named national press secretary to the Kamala Harris for President campaign, which just launched a few minutes ago. I’d rate this an A+ pick, and if it’s any sign of the Harris campaign’s savvy and effectiveness, it bodes well for her prospects. Plus, Harris is super-impressive, definitely in my top tier of candidates I’m considering for the nomination.


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