Home 2019 Elections BREAKING: New Democratic Call to Caucus to Determine Democratic Nominee for Neabsco...

BREAKING: New Democratic Call to Caucus to Determine Democratic Nominee for Neabsco District, Prince William County


The judge has signed off on the new writ calling for an April 9th Special Election for the Neasbco Supervisor Seat, which was held by the late John Jenkins.

As a result, a new Call to Caucus has been issued by the Prince William County Democratic Committee. The Caucus (also known as a Firehouse Primary) will take place this coming Sunday, February 24, at Dale City Volunteer Fire Department, Station 13, 13511 Hillendale Dr., Dale City, VA 22193.

Doors will open at 3:00 PM and voting will cease at 7:00 PM.

Below is the full text of the Call to Caucus.

Call to Democratic Party Caucus
Special Election for Neabsco Supervisor

1. Call. Pursuant to Virginia Code Section 24.2-510(5)(ii) and the Democratic Party of Virginia Plan (“the Party Plan”), the Prince William County Democratic Committee (PWCDC) hereby calls an Unassembled Caucus for the sole purpose of choosing a Democratic nominee for the Neabsco Supervisor Special Election to be held on April 9, 2019.

The Caucus will be held on Sunday, February 24, 2019 at Dale City Volunteer Fire Department, Station 13, 13511 Hillendale Dr., Dale City, VA 22193. Doors will open at 3:00 PM and voting will cease at 7:00 PM. The ballot box will be closed and ballots counted immediately after the last voter has cast their vote.

2. Caucus Rules, Forms, and Information. Caucus Rules will be posted, along with other pertinent forms and information about the nominating process, at the Facebook page (www.facebook.com/PWCDems) and website for the PWCDC (www.pwcdems.com).

3. General Participation Requirements. Each participant in the Caucus must be a qualified voter in the Neabsco Magisterial District of Prince William County at the time of their participation. No participant in the Caucus may intend to support any candidate who is opposed to the Democratic nominee in that Special Election. Every person who participates in the Caucus must have their voter registration status verified and complete a Caucus Declaration Form.

4. Voting Opportunities. Participants in the Caucus may vote only in person and at the time and location noted above. (Note: Each voter may arrive during the time listed, cast his or her vote, and leave.)

5. Candidate Requirements. Each candidate for nomination must meet all applicable requirements of state law, the Party Plan, and the Caucus Rules. Each candidate for nomination must submit a completed Declaration of Candidacy form and check made out to PWCDC for filing fee of $600.00 to the Acting Chair/representative of the PWCDC between the hours of 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM on Friday, February 22, 2019 or 10:00 AM to 12:00PM, Saturday, February 23, 2019. The Declaration of Candidacy form and check (made out to PWCDC) may be delivered by either the candidate or a surrogate to 5517 Mapledale Plaza, Dale City, VA 22193. If only one qualified candidate files by the deadline, that person will be the nominee of the Democratic Party and the Caucus will be cancelled. Notice of the cancellation of the Caucus will be posted on the Committee website.

For questions about the Caucus, please contact Tonya James, Acting Chair of the PWCDC at tonya.v.james23@gmail.com.


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