Home Donald Trump “Justice Delayed is Justice Denied,” Or, Can’t the United States Protect Itself...

“Justice Delayed is Justice Denied,” Or, Can’t the United States Protect Itself Better Than This?


From Wikipedia:

“Justice delayed is justice denied” is a legal maxim meaning that if legal redress is available for a party that has suffered some injury, but is not forthcoming in a timely fashion, it is effectively the same as having no redress at all. 


It has been known since even before the 2016 election that the major adversary of the United States was helping Donald Trump get elected President.

We’ve known for a long time that Donald Trump cheated during his campaign to boost his chances.

For almost two years, a cracker-jack A-team of prosecutors has been on Trump’s trail, racking up indictments, guilty pleas, convictions.

Despite all that, we’re now virtually on the home stretch of Donald Trump’s term of office, late enough in the game that some are saying, reasonably, that getting Trump out of office in the NEXT election may well be the fastest way of getting this criminal out of the presidency.

And meanwhile, he remains President, endowed with all the powers and privileges of that office– appointing judges, meeting with nuclear-armed North Korean dictators, insulting our friends, trampling on the Constitution, generally embarrassing the nation and creating damages that will take years to repair.

Really? Is this the best the United States can do when we get an election like that and a President like this?

I realize that the Republican control of both houses of Congress for two years blocked some pathways to a solution. But still…

I’ve been a big fan of Mueller and his investigation. But I wonder: can’t there be a different relation to time when the investigation is not into some regular civilian, or even some ordinary criminal enterprise, where a few years does not endanger the fundamental interests and security of the nation and the planet but involves, rather the most powerful office in the world?

I don’t have any proposals to offer. But shouldn’t this Trump saga — we’ll never get earlier danger signals, we’ll never get a clearer picture of the national peril — compel us to seek some better way of preventing a wrongful president from getting the full benefit of his ill-gotten gains of power, at the clear expense of the nation’s well-being.




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