Home 2019 Elections VA Senate Dems Get 2019 Messaging Partly Right, Partly Wrong

VA Senate Dems Get 2019 Messaging Partly Right, Partly Wrong


The following video and press release from the Virginia Senate Democrats get the 2019 messaging partly wrong (it’s wayyyyy too positive about the very few progressive and/or environmental legislation the Republicans in control of the Virginia General Assembly didn’t kill or water down to thin gruel in 2019) and partly right (the press release points out, correctly, that “Republicans, who control the majority in both chambers, continue to block critical measures that would expand the rights of Virginians and improve the lives of Commonwealth families”).

As far as I can determine, the framing Virginia Dems SHOULD be using for this November’s election is clear:

If you want ratification of the ERA, passage of gun violence prevention legislation, voting rights expansion, a clean energy transition (let alone a Green New Deal!) in Virginia, environmental protection, fair wages, etc, etc., you absolutely need to work your butt off to flip the House of Delegates and State Senate to Democratic control this November. If not, the Republicans will continue to kill everything you care about in 2020 and beyond.

Seems very simple – and accurate – to me. Any reason Dems can’t just say that?

Senate Democrats Recap Progress, Look Toward 2019 Elections

Richmond—Today, Senate Democrats released this video highlighting the policies they fought to advance during the 2019 legislative session. These policies include: raising the minimum wage, improving public education, gun violence prevention measures, increasing access to affordable housing, expanding LGBTQ rights, and passage of the Equal Rights Amendment.

This year, Senate Democrats successfully passed:

Affordable Housing

Voting Rights

Fair Wages

Child Welfare

Republicans, who control the majority in both chambers, continue to block critical measures that would expand the rights of Virginians and improve the lives of Commonwealth families. This year Virginia Republicans blocked:

Equal Rights Amendment

Minimum Wage Increase

Gun Violence Prevention Measures

Environmental Protections

All forty seats in the state Senate and all one hundred seats in the state House are up for election this year. Senate Democrats only need to pick up two additional seats to retake the majority in order to continue building on their progress.


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