Home 2019 Elections VA House Democratic Leader Eileen Filler-Corn Launches “Energized for Change” PAC

VA House Democratic Leader Eileen Filler-Corn Launches “Energized for Change” PAC

Objective: "helping Democrats win their House of Delegates races and take the majority"


From VA House Dem Leader Eileen Filler-Corn:


I am writing to you today with some exciting news and I want you to be the first to hear it. Today, we are launching the Energized for Change PAC — a PAC dedicated to helping Democrats win their House of Delegates races and take the majority.

Already excited to join us? Click here to read more and make a donation. Or, read on to learn more about the mission of the Energized for Change PAC.

2017 was an exciting year for us Democrats here in Virginia. We successfully flipped 15 seats in the House of Delegates, bringing new and diverse voices to the table. And, if not for a stroke of fate and a name drawn from a bowl, we would currently share the majority with the Republicans.

We came close two years ago, but missing that chance back then has made us even more determined heading into 2019. We have continued to work on the kitchen table issues that affect us all: public education, transportation and infrastructure, jobs and the economy, quality healthcare, and protecting the environment. Putting in the hard work and standing up for our values is working.

But if we are going to take the majority in the House of Delegates this year, it will take more energy and resources. That’s why today I am launching a new committee: Energized for Change PAC.

Energized for Change PAC will fund a plan to hold the seats we have gained and flip the new ones needed to take the majority in the House of Delegates. Click here to chip in whatever you can, right now, to help Democrats take the majority in the Virginia House of Delegates. Your early support will help us build the resources we need for Democrats to win across the Commonwealth.

As the House Democratic Leader, I have had a front row seat to witness the excitement building for Democrats in Virginia. The work we started in 2017 continued on through 2018, as our state flipped three seats blue in Congress and sent a Democrat back to the U.S. Senate. Virginia’s voters continue to choose Democrats because we stay focused on improving the lives of everyday Virginians.

What happens here this year will reflect the big, bold changes that will happen throughout the country in 2020. All eyes are on us. We must continue the progress we made in 2017 and keep up the momentum through 2019…and that starts with you.

If we stand together, we can accomplish so much for so many. You better believe we are Energized for Change! Are you? Help us take the majority in the House of Delegates by donating right now.

Eileen Filler-Corn
Democratic Leader, Virginia House of Delegates


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