Cross posted from Daily Kos
This past weekend, I wrote about how the Prince William County Republican Committee nominated a MAGA hat-wearing extremist as their candidate for County Board Chairman. We’re up against John Gray, who believes that Corey Stewart’s policies of allowing law enforcement to stop people and ask for their documentation status is something to be celebrated and continued, and that anti-trans bathroom policies are something our county government should be promoting.

Worse yet, John Gray lives in the same district in our county as I do, and so I issued a statement not long after I learned of Gray’s nomination, first unofficially on my personal Facebook page, then one officially on my campaign page.
Focusing in on how this is bad for all of us obviously resonated with both Democrats and moderate Republicans; however, some of the more extremist Republicans didn’t take too kindly to it. The Sheriff of Nottingham — Prince William’s premier right wing trash blog — couldn’t wait to jump on my support of our Chairman nominee, Ann Wheeler:
Striking his best Winston Churchill look for his campaign photo, Boddye did have to have experts photoshop this picture to get rid of the froth around his mouth and touch up his artificially sharpened teeth.
Boddye cannot wait to become the Pit Bull for Ann Wheeler, whom he hopes will be the new Chairman of the Board of County Supervisors.
I also took aim at the super un-democratic practice of firehouse primaries, which the blog apparently to question with:
But then Boddye identified the reason why every citizen in Prince William County should be outraged at the Republicans — all because the GOP used this unfair, horribly biased, and completely abhorrent candidate selection process known as a Firehouse Primary.
Oh, and he cited our very own Dailykos as an example of their point:

So at the end of the day, I’m apparently just a pit bull for the Democratic Party, and for wanting us to not support un-democratic practices or candidates that spout bigotry.
This is the kind of disingenuous attack taken right out of the playbook of the radically crazed wing of the Democratic Party.
Forget facts, ignore the reality, and just go on the attack.
So the good citizens of Occoquan can make a clear choice to nominate yapper Boddye so that Ann Wheeler can send him on the attack against John Gray.
Of interest, Mr. Boddye lamented the loss in the GOP Firehouse Primary of his good friend and fellow Democrat Marty Nohe.
Mr. Boddye, please hum a bar or two of Scheryl Crowe’s “Make It Go Away” as you make your exit.
I need your help Kos, especially since they’ve brought you guys into it. It’s clear that the Republicans are afraid of me, or they wouldn’t bother attacking me online. Together, we can fight back and make real change here in Virginia.
Let’s get it done.
Kenny Boddye for Occoquan Supervisor
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