Home Immigration Acting U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Director Ken Cuccinelli Will NOT Guarantee...

Acting U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Director Ken Cuccinelli Will NOT Guarantee that Children Won’t Be Separated from Parents

Also: blah blah blah...what about Obama?!?


Ken “the Cooch” Cuccinelli (R-of course) was heinous as a Virginia State Senator, even more heinous as Virginia Attorney General, and possibly most heinous of all as Acting U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Director.

Check out this interview with Jake Tapper on CNN this morning, in which the Cooch refuses to guarantee that no parents will be separated from their children in ICE’s immigration enforcement raids going on this weekend. Asked the question directly, Cuccinelli does what he so often does – obfuscates, dodges, evades, spews out total bullshit (e.g., that he can’t reveal “operational details”)…and of course tries to claim that the Trump administration’s doing exactly the same thing as the Obama administration did (note: according to PolitiFact: “The Obama administration did not have a policy to separate families arriving illegally at the border. Family separations rarely happened under the Obama administration, which sought to keep families together in detention. Then, based on a court decision, it released families together out of detention.”)

So yeah, this is the Ken Cuccinelli we all grew to know and…well, NOT love when he was a horrendous State Senator and Attorney General of Virginia. Of course, given that the Trump administration hires only the “best” (aka, WORST!) people, it’s no surprise that Cooch ended up where he’s at, even though he was a big Ted Cruz supporter in the 2016 Republican primaries. Yep, this is the insane world we currently live in.

P.S. But wait, there’s more! Here’s on some border facility conditions being unacceptable: “The reason you see overcrowding at border patrol facilities … is not because of the border patrol. … The pipeline is clogged farther down the pipe. That’s why you’re seeing pictures at the border”

And finally, here’s Cooch blathering about how the “crisis” at the border – the one that the Trump administration itself played a huge role itself in creating! – justifies…yep, the Trump administration’s harsh, inhumane, disgraceful, immoral and counterproductive border/immigration policy.


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